Getting rid of hiss in a recording


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
Hey guys I was wondering what you would do to get rid of noise in a recording. It's a background hiss like you would hear in a noisy preamp or something. What would you do to get rid of it because the obvious I not recording it with the noise in the first place!(this recording was not done by me). I said I'd help someone get rid of it. Here is an example. The other set of songs I'm doing are not as bad as in the example but it's the same sound.
yeah thats what I'm trying to use. The more noise I remove, the more it kinda messes with the sound though. I'm having trouble finding a balance between removing the noise and how it affects the sound. Too much and It makes it sound like a tin can or something.
Waves X-noise or Z-noise. I've found those to be excellent for getting rid of this type of thing, but I have no idea what dude means about it killing the dynamic? If you use it correctly it will tame the noise and have very little effect on the sound.

Edit: You have to be able to learn the noise profile and adjust the threshold/ reduction accordingly. Depending on the noise, it can rob a little high end. It has controls to combat that.
yeah I've been having a little trouble of it killing some of the high end. So how does the noise profile work? You just click it and let it do its thing? Or do you click it and let it go for say 20 seconds and then click it again?
okay I've been learning this plug in more and the noise profile makes a great difference. Thanks guys.
What I do: Find a spot where there is silence from the instrument and only hiss. Select that piece and click learn on the plugin. You might need to loop the audio. as it's playing, it'll show the profile, then you unclick learn. it will leave the profile of the hiss up there. now as you play the rest of the file, adjust the threshold and reduction sliders until you get a good balance of everything. I don't know the specfics of how it works, but I'm guessing it takes a profile of the noise and then reverses the polarity to specifically target the noise only. The plugin only works well when you can get a clean profile of the noise by itself. Good luck!
thanks a lot guys. Yeah this plugin works pretty great with the noise profiler.