Getting rid of acoustic guitar sqeaks

if it were up to me I would just keep the damn squeaks. They arn't even that bad. That Muse song had more noticeable squeaks than the song I need to fix. Thanks guys for the replies.
If the squeaks are bad try to replace with a different take. I don't mind squeaks that much (I prefer without usually though) but recently pulled my hair out over the rubbing from the guitarist's thumb on the neck between certain chords. 12 takes, clean hands, baby powder and still have unwanted noise in the final.
+1 to leaving the squeaks but if they do become overbearing then automate them down at those times. It sounds too un natural to remove them completely as it is part of the natural sound but if you find they are louder than the playing then mic placement is usually to blame, move the mic/s futher away from the guitar. (your room has to be well treated for this)
I agree on using the automation. I did it to clean up a pretty half assed acoustic experiment I did a year ago. It was just supposed to be a demo, but I ended up having a friend play a solo on it for kicks and needed to increase the audio quality.

The sliding noise was not that loud in the room, but then I started doing lots of eq, reverb, processing etc and the noises became much more noticeable. So I automated the the volume down on the chord changes so I could still hear the slide noises, but not be bothered by them.

What I really should have done was get a better recording at the source so that I would not have needed to process it so much later.
I'm guessing you guys are treating electric squeaks the same way? I'm getting plenty of that lately but I'm not that keen on the whole slip edit everything to perfection idea.
Sometimes it helps to remember that what makes music engaging to the human ear is subtle imperfections.