Getting rid of Honky-ness (5150)


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
How do?
My tone always sounds nasal as fuck in the room and recorded....
I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it.
Yeah it's 800-1.5k that I'm finding problematic.
I should clarify though, I'm talking about changing the amp settings themselves, not eq'ing it post.
I can't get rid of it without it sounding really scratchy...
what model of 5150? Blockletter or signature? If if's signature try out pulling resonance back a bit, middle about 2, then carve out some from: 300-360, 5k and do a multiband comp around 140-280 with 24db treshold and see if it takes you anywhere...
Are you using a good cab?

It's a signature combo, so it's a 2x12 with Sheffields...

I've had it eq'd roughly like this.... in an attempt to get rid of it.

LOW - 5
MID - 2
HIGH - 4.5
RES - 3
PRES - 3

Bear in mind that this is at pretty low volumes (never above 1)
Settings look fine, I wonder if the cab is more to blame than the head, as I haven't heard anything really impressive from the Sheffields. Maybe you could try using a dummy load or something and using an impulse to see if the cab's the culprit?
Well I'm probably gonna get a new cab soon, partly because that Sheffield/v30 comparison video showed that it's pretty much the Sheffields that I dislike about this amp...
So we'll see...
Could be the settings thats to blame man. I normally have mine set something like this:

low - 10
mid - 2
high - 7
res - 10
pres - 7

Honky/nasal tones are down to an excess of mids, and as we all know the 5150 is a pretty mid heavy amp. So set the amp for a pretty mid scooped tone and you should be in the right ballpark.