Jens Bogren guitar tone

I think his tone is so unique!
It's almost mid-heavy, not to the point it annoys you, I love how his guitar sound.
Those mids give a uber tight tone! what he did with AE is really great.
How can he get that tone ???? I always wonder!
When I mike with a sm57 in front of my mesa/marshall cab, If I boost the amp mids the tone gets honky!
Tried with all my amps: 5150/dual recto/marshall 2203.
Bah I don't know how to get close! maybe I should try compressing just the mids with my multiband (mc2000)..or maybe doing the opposite: compressing the rest
Bah I don't know ...
I gotta do some more tests :erk::erk::erk:

have a nice day Guys

Probably he uses also some kind of saturation to bring up the mids. But mainly must be how he tweaks the amp and the his mic placement, I think.
He's a huge proponent of mixing mics on cabs. I believe on difference speakers as well. 57, 421, 121, etc. I'm not saying that's the secret but his solo'd guitars have a lot of dimension.
Fully agree with the above ^

Start out with another 57 at a 45º ("fredman" style). This really accentuates the midrange in a smooth way.
Some things that come to mind from jens´s guitar sound: airy, thin, middle focused, open, big, trebbly but not harsh. Lot of 1k, not so much 3k, and lot of top end 6k-> Soilwork´s The Panic Broadcast has got amazing guitar sound, but it´s surprising that how thin it actually is. Still sounding awesome in the mix!
I think his tone is so unique!
It's almost mid-heavy, not to the point it annoys you, I love how his guitar sound.
Those mids give a uber tight tone! what he did with AE is really great.
How can he get that tone ???? I always wonder!
When I mike with a sm57 in front of my mesa/marshall cab, If I boost the amp mids the tone gets honky!

find the honkiest one and cut it, leave the not soo honky ones,
it's all about compromise...