Title list from "S P E C T R A L"

Woah! Hey now! Henke, did you mention this part here? I don't think you did.

2004-03-10 - The Album is taking formThe new album will be titled "Spectral" and will have artwork both from C.A.Interactive AND Henrik Wenngren of Skyfire.
[Source: Skyfireonline.com]

Now we know it's gonna be cool.

Holy crap, that is cool. Surreal. I'm not exactly sure I "get" it, but it's definately cool, and I'm sure it'll look better when it's inside a jewel case in high-res. I have to say it wasn't what I was expecting, the word "Spectral" as well as the clips from the songs made me think of bright colors, like dark blues and stuff, but Skyfire's all about pulling stuff that I never saw coming.
Take a few days off from checking this forum and what do I find.



You guys will never cease to amaze. I can't wait to get my little grubby hands on the CD. :grin:
It seems to be a little more drum-heavy. love the middle part of Shadow Creator in particular. Wonder where they got the title from? Doesn't sound spectral at all.
Can't wait I tell you! I CAN"T WAIT!!! AHHHH! I must... have... more... Skyfire. AND I WANT A GODDAMN SHIRT! How cool would that cover be on a shirt, huh huh, let me tell you, it'd be FUCKING AMAZING!
Well, I just came back from spring braek and i get this news?!? Man, what a awesome thing to hear.

these sound incredible!!!! must take next year spring break to sweden to meet skyfire!
Note how on the page with the releases they specifically say that they recorded Jonas separately. Maybe due to their dissatisfaction with previous bassness?
Bass recorded by Skyfire.
I'm sorry to say that Jonas didn't enter studio with us this time due to personal reasons. So therefor Hanner, Edlund and Joakim laid the bass.. But Jonas will kick ass live!!
