To-Mera website now up

heh, congrats on the catsuit-thingy. :D

Your guitarist looks like Rutger Hauer, nice. :)
I think the keyboardist and John would get on great talking about John Williams all day :)

Looking forward to hearing some mp3's
Is To-Mera's Akos a former member of Without Face, or am I suffering from a beer-deprival-and-48-hour-Hawkwind-Marathon-induced midday memory hallucination?
On that note, Lee, didn't you play bass in a punk band years ago?

Will you release To-Mera's records on Elitist, or look elsewhere?
Oops, to answer my own question I noticed on the To-Mera site that you played for ENT. WOW! :rock: That's even cooler than Rich Walker having played for Sore Throat!
He's not called Rich Militia (or Barrett) anymore then? :)

No, Akos is an old friend of Julie's but never played in a band that had a deal before. It's very suprising to be honest as he's one of the best drummers I've ever played with, but I guess he never had the breaks before.

I personally think To-Mera's material is good enough for Elitist, but I would rather try and secure another deal first. I hate it when label owners release their own stuff. It's almost like saying "no one else would fucking release it, so I'm going to...".

Lee_B said:
I hate it when label owners release their own stuff. It's almost like saying "no one else would fucking release it, so I'm going to...".

That's not the only way of looking at it. Some guys (Patton, Zorn, Zappa etc) have done it to guarantee complete control over their own material, financially and artistically... that's not so bad is it?
But Lee can't even guarantee control of his own bladder. No wonder he's looking for another label for it! :p

Seriously good luck mate, looking forward to hearing the stuff!

(You might hear some of those old riffs on the next DesolatioN cd by the way :p )
xpv said:
That's not the only way of looking at it. Some guys (Patton, Zorn, Zappa etc) have done it to guarantee complete control over their own material, financially and artistically... that's not so bad is it?

Les Claypool too! :cool: