To much low end or too poor high end? help!!!


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Hi there! this is my first time mixing a kinda thrash band, and i have no clue XD i used to mix lighter stuff like latin and so and now i'm kinda lost, please help.

First of all is this sample too squashed? (put an L2 with a clipper before it to kinda "make it sound mastered" but this is just for showing purposes i will take them of as soon as I know how to continue with the mix, if you would prefer that i upload a just mix version (with nothing on the master bus) please let me know).

Well my main problem is that i don't know if theres to much low end (my monitors suck hard time and I don't have a sub) or if my high end is to poor. and besides that I don't know if the Voice (wich is just with test lyrics, not the real ones) fits the entire mix. And also, my brother who is kinda more a metal head than me keeps telling me that i put the drums to much in the front (maybe it's because he is a guitarrist and bassist and wan't to hear them more). Well Please ANY suggestion is welcome, i'm new in mixing this kind of stuff.

ThnX y bosskb.mp3
Hey man, that isn't sounding bad at all. I would say you maybe need a little more high's going on, but really it's not too bad. To be honest it's close enough that it could probably be sorted in mastering. But of course you should be trying to get the mix as close as you can first.

I would say the rhythm guitars could come up a wee bit. Maybe a touch less mids and a bit more highs. The snare could be a bit more powerful sounding so maybe throw in a sample there to give it more punch. The vocals could maybe come down a touch.

All in though you're deffo on the right track.
Thnx for the reply!:)

By saying a bit less mids and a bit more highs are you reffering to the whole mix or the rhythm guitars? soon i'll post an updated version!
the spread is quite nice on my end, don't eff with it too much.

your brother is incredibly wrong, if anything the snare is sunken a bit too much. the guitars are definitely in "front" of the drums, in that sense. good job!
hey there! thanxs for the asnwers, I haven't been working on this cause of new year (was on the beach). I think i'm going to drop down the guitars a little bit, any idea on a good and powerfull snare sample?

as for the kick its sneap's kick a little bit tweaked