To much worst/least good stuff...


Total Satan!
Oct 11, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
When I first saw the post "worst DT songs" I didn't think highly of it and now we have a number of polls regarding what DT songs people dislike. The basic factor that made us all (or most of us) visit this forum is the fact that we all like DT, and their work. Anyway, I can't see the point in polls regarding which songs people dislike. I don't care what songs people dislike. On the other hand, polls about what songs people like is more interesting because it gets me in a good mood.
So how is the result of these polls going to be presented?
"This is the DT song most people dislike"
Who cares!

Am I the only one who feel this way?
They create a conversation. This is a DISCUSSION forum after all. The meaning of the polls is more to raise conversation than to find out what people like or dislike.
Yeah, thanks for answering on my behalf Phyre and MacMoney - my main goal is indeed to raise some discussions (mainly calm, but even heated ones will do once in a while); and in that regard, I find no topic bad - as long as it is presented in a civilized way.

Enticer, I can see your point, but there are also other people here and some of them care to know, which songs people dislike. Feel free to post threads with topics of your own, if you don't want to participate in the current ones. I promise to reply to every interesting subject you post.

Yeah, I think we cannot be putting so High the band just 'cause as at a band it is, they must have some weaker's cool to see how different our tastes, (within the general good taste on the forum) arise on each other...
Besides it shows me who have I to huntdown, all those who voted for Shadowlit Facade and Razorfever!!! ;P
yooouuuuuuuuu yeah!!! yoooooooooouuuuuuuuu dirty witch!!!!
be afraid, be afraid 'cause my wrath will take some won't ever sleep again...I won't too until I make you hear Shadowlit Facade about ehmmmmm 1 thousand..nonono...1 million of times and you ask for more...
nah....being bad is not my cup of tea...I think nobody fears me after all....what a shame...I think I gotta start some Black Metal band soon :P

note to the typical idiot: NO, I'm not threatening Melancholia really (even I should ;P), so don't post here saying violence through the net is senseless and stupid, I already know, that's why I love arguing :)
how dare you adress me as a typical idiot?!
good for you that violence through the net is senseless and stupid, elseways i would argue you to death!
hahhahhaha...some great friend told me some time ago a phrase that I will rembember for a life!
"Arguing in the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded"
since then I always wanted to run in any special olympics ;P
nah, us (vic and me) wouldn't even win a prize at the paralympics of arguing ;)
but maybe they got some sort of honour medal for everyone who at least tried
you obviously got it wrong, guys. let's put some facts down:

1. we listen to bands which (a) are unpopular; (b) play music labeled with worrying tags such as 'death', 'black' (a very bad color indeed), 'gothic', 'obscure', 'doom', 'thrash', all that in close partnership to the word 'metal'; (c) sport monickers with disturbing concepts revolving around feeling sad, feeling pain, feeling doubts.

2. we spend our precious time on internet message boards, using nicknames in long-buried tongues which translate approximately to 'evil wretched underlords of everything that smells badly', instead of helping old ladies cross the road.

3. we indulge on discussing topics any jury would find at least a tad suspect: frenzy-filled gigs, what we would like to hear just before we crash at high-speed into the wall of a - perhaps inhabited - building, etc.

let's face it: we're the perfect promoters of violence on the net and everywhere.
so please, everybody, stop denying it and pretend you actually lead a pretty normal life and never ever brutally butchered anyone, because we know it isn't true.
society deserves it that we finally show our real face, ugly as it may be. :spin:

see vulture??? so rahvin was the typical idiot XDDDDDDDDDD
nah, I'm not violent, I help granies to cross roads, I do recyclate I even talk to plants...the only thing that keeps me not too agressive is the way I melt agressivity through my braincells with violent music. Why??? do I look like a genious, of course yes...but even don't know how the hell to explain that.
Anyway, just undesrtand what the hell are you talking about rahvin is enough to receive a goddammed medal, even if you run on the paralympics or are just the idiot with the gun giving the start on it...
ehmmm seems now I'm the idiot I awared me off??? ooopss too much thinking...yeah....pressure overload on my small head..
oh NOW i get it. damn. that's what it all is about.
by the way, i got some nasty copy of the dreaded necronomicon as .doc at hand. who was the guy who wanted to change his nick? well there are some evil nicks in there for sure!:loco:
see? "goddamned medal"... my point, exactly. ;)

at least vultureculture agrees on our responsabilities...

@fathervic: you help grannies just about halfway, admit it, i saw you with my own eyes! let's not mention what it is you do recyclate, either...
talking to plants (especially mushrooms) is a sure sign of paranoia. :D

rahvin, the idiot who knows how to use the gun at the paralympics.
hey, no joke on the dreaded necronomicon. 900K of pure evil! let's see if i put it on my domain tomorrow (@work of course).
HAHA spread the disease!
btw: talking to mushrooms often occurs after having eaten them; be careful with that... you should better eat the granny you just carried over the street.
aah i got one 1derful comic at hand, sadly in german, but i will attach and translate for you, it's one of my top favourites and fits into the context as hell!
first look at the attachment and then read the translation.

well, the guy on the pic says:
"my pillow is filled with human skin."

and the chicken replies:
"mine is filled with chicken feathers. you and me, we really are psychopaths, aren't we? HEHEHEHE good night."
just to point here I've always felt like a chicken, complaining about the abuse chickens suffer in today's society. Buk Buk Buk!

@fathervic: you help grannies just about halfway, admit it, i saw you with my own eyes! let's not mention what it is you do recyclate, either...

Ehmmmm but that one was just cause she thought I had stolen her wristwatch and wanted me to leave here alone. It's a shame the truck ran over her, she had a collar that would have fit perfectly with the watch!
anyway, about the mushrooms, nah! I'm don't like drugs and they doesn't seem to like me either. I just talk to plants if they talk me it seldom happens cause many plants does'nt know how to talk, but I've found some very talkative ones, and how coincidence, some of them even participated on the paralympics... ;P
ehmmmm I'm off...

I take a day off from here and you guys are immediately getting serious and on-to-the-point in these discussions. Now, let's forget all this philosophic propaganda and go back to making more polls on very serious issues, like "is necronomicon more important than the black bible to you personally?"

I´m in for the talking to the mushrooms... I´m studying Mycology right now, and it´s rather fun...:) Anyway, I often end up talking to them, or rather screaming at them because they´ve got these stupid names, and I´ve gotta learn all of them ´till friday! So then I really feel that I need to kill something, and I don´t really know if a funghi will do... Hmmmm... Where´s that little brother when you need him? Mmmmmm..?

Anyway, just rambling...

-phyros out-