To Our Dearest Karen: WTF Is Going On in Virginia

From today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch

With only a week left to act on all legislation introduced by their respective members, the House and Senate yesterday argued over matters ranging from “traditional marriage” license plates to state budget procedures. The House of Delegates squabbled before tentatively endorsing the special state plates that would include the capital-letter words “TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE,” as well as a symbol, two interlocked golden wedding bands over a red heart.

Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter, R-Prince William, who sponsored the legislation, said it would merely embrace 4,000 years of history on marriage and show children that “traditional marriage is fundamental.”

There were attempts to amend the bill so that the plates would say, simply, “Marriage,” but that failed, unsurprisingly. It’s simple viewpoint discrimination. What Lingamfelter and company are going for here is clear, particularly in light of some Republicans’ opposition to most forms of sex. So, in the spirit of just cutting to the chase, here’s my proposed plate:

hahaha :lol:

I tell ya Lizard... if you ever come to VA, stay in Northern Virginia, where the liberals fill the place like flies on a pile of garbage,
and stay away from the south, where the others breed like there's no tomorrow,

mmmmK? :tickled:
neal said:
but, but, i already printed it out and taped it over my old plate. are you saying that won't work?

no, because you see, you live in California get it??? get it????
and the license plate says specificly: VIRGINIA
do you understand????????????????????????????????????
short skirts/shorts rule. i cant wait till the spring and all the college chicks start wearing those little UCD shorts that just barely cover the cheeks. whoever invented those deserves a medal.
Va. Bill Sets Fine for Low-Riding Pants

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Virginians who wear their pants so low their underwear shows may want to think about investing in a stronger belt.

The state's House of Delegates passed a bill Tuesday authorizing a $50 fine for anyone who displays his or her underpants in a ``lewd or indecent manner.''

now, personally, I think hiphop "fashion" is a bunch of crap, but my idea of dressing up is a flannel shirt. this is just stupid.
I am a student of history, and as such, I've learned that true inspiration always drives the best of artistic endeavors. And today I had a few spare moments and was inspired by a true natural marvel to create my first animated .gif file evar! It may appear rather rudimentary to some but even infants have to crawl before they can walk.

And therefore, I am about to unveil my creation....

you may want to go grab a refreshing beverage before you watch this:

old geezers like Dick Cheney may want to check their pacemakers:

^ wow Rick, my legs appreciate the honor of be the ones who inspired you to create the first gif ever!

you kill me Lizard boy :lol:

as for Virginia, yeah, some people need to bomb Richmond (the capital)
and only leave Northern Virginia as the whole state....