Do you live in Virginia?!?! If so do me a favor and piss on your State Capitol!

yeah, that's still good as gold.

The CD might be available from Nordiska Forlaget (the place that put it out), but I can't read swedish, so I can't say.
Seems to be in stock there... went through most of the purchase process(which is in english) and it gave me no messages.

Never know though.

On the other hand, I'm buying the Double LP, I like the cover.
all that black people demanding reparation would be like if a jew learned that my ancestors are german and ask me for reparations for WWII. I would just gaz him with a big smelly fart.
You know what would've been hilarious? If the Virginia Senators were black. Oh fuck yes, that would be rich, making a black man apologize for slavery.
Encyclopedia Britannica (from 1911)

"Mentally the negro is inferior to the white...deterioration in mental development is no doubt very largely due to the fact that after puberty, sexual matters take the first place in the negro's life and thoughts."

"It is not possible for every woman to be a scholar, a doctor, a lawyer, or possibly to attain the highest position in professions where competition with men is keen. As members of school boards, factory inspectors, poor law guardians, and sanitary inspectors, they have ahd ample scope for gratifying their ambition and energy"

and speaking of all of this, I found some interesting quotes about how the government believed that "God put the negro on this earth to serve us, they have been ordained as servants by the lord" or something to that degree, need to find it again

^ saw this posted on an SMN board @ this. I was on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and saw it in captions on the television in front of me and said "oh, so that is what RiA's post must be about." I think I said out loud something like "are you fucking kidding me?!" too but I had my earbuds in. lol