to rid the disease


Oct 19, 2004
I know there's been a lot of discussion about this track. But I'm still not sure what its about. I've heard everything from an estranged relationship, abortion/miscarriage, to getting rid of the judaio/christian religion (I don't think its about this at all). What are some of your thoughts
Maybe i´m taking away everyones own personal feelings and thoughts about the song,which is what´s so great about Opeth lyrics. But anyway,here´s a rough translation of a piece from a zine called Sweden Rock Magazine where Mikael talks a bit about his thoughts when writing the lyrics.It´s a pretty interesting read.(sorry about the potentially crappy english):

"To Rid The Disease" from Damnation is pure human contempt. Especially against the junkies which are after you all the time.
I have some strange kind of unwanted ability to attract weird people, these kind of really slimy heroinists that approaches you all the time. But it´s also about pure maniacs.
When using the subway it has almost become a sport to watch out for people in the cart and try to decide which of them are crazy. Suddenly someone does a stichy movement or something like that,you sit and watch carefully,maybe thinking "ok maybe i was wrong this time". Then all of a sudden this person stands up and starts talking to himself and stuff like that. It´s like training your intuition.
Misinterpret me rightly, i love Stockholm. When you´ve been out on tour it´s always nice to come home. You watch the views,walk around a bit...this city in itself is great.
But then you go down to the subways and you become horrified. All these sick individuals,all the madness they do,all the violence! It´s the city i love, but i hate the people."

So basically i guess the lyrics are about that it´s getting harder and harder to really put your trust in people in general. Although i myself have another kind of personal relationship to the lyrics.
IMO, the song clearly has an anti religious message.
"Innocence torn from it's maker" - (meaning If there was a god, how dare we insult and miss use the gift of life in his name?).

Stillborn the trust in you. (meaning people are never given a chance to find their own answers in life, they are born into fear of a higher power).

"This failure has made the creator" (meaning that people have created their own gods using the flaws in themselves as the model.)
IMO, the song clearly has an anti religious message.
"Innocence torn from it's maker" - (meaning If there was a god, how dare we insult and miss use the gift of life in his name?).

Stillborn the trust in you. (meaning people are never given a chance to find their own answers in life, they are born into fear of a higher power).

"This failure has made the creator" (meaning that people have created their own gods using the flaws in themselves as the model.)

Kudos for interpretating, but you had Mikes words on the song presented here.
Wow, he suffers from the same thing I do, except I just attract lunatics and weirdos, not heroin addicts.

And that subway thing. Completely and utterly true. I can't tell you how many crazies I've encountered against my will on those things.
there is this crazy guy who walks around downtown seattle yelling crazy things at people. usually people just ignore him.

I did for a time, then i got annoyed with him, the next time i saw him he started yelling crazy things at me again, so i decided right then and there to yell, at the top of my lungs, crazy stuff back at him. i scared the living shit out of him and just kept walking.. feeling so proud of myself.
there is this crazy guy who walks around downtown seattle yelling crazy things at people. usually people just ignore him.

I did for a time, then i got annoyed with him, the next time i saw him he started yelling crazy things at me again, so i decided right then and there to yell, at the top of my lungs, crazy stuff back at him. i scared the living shit out of him and just kept walking.. feeling so proud of myself.

thats hilarious man, what kinda stuff was the dude yelling? like "hey sandwich twister!! my self rotating hyper-beam is gonna knock the squirrel out of your brain!!"

haha and what did you yell back?

(sry for goin off topic)