to tdm or not to tdm, help

all i really need is for someone to load rtas version of waves c1 on a track and tell me the sample delay

I can't say how the waves plugs would work as tdm plugins (i have only used them in LE), but i have latency with every rtas waves plugin i have. i can't possibly do any sidechain compression with them beacuse the latency causes a really phasey sound. i always have to use either stock digi, bomb factory, or massy plugins for sidechain comps (i will use waves reverbs though)

edit: i can't be certain that rtas waves plugs would cause that kind of latency with HD, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they did. it would recommend going tdm with any waves stuff.
how many tracks / busses can that achieve

sorry if this is a newb question

again this is totally dependent on what you need to run. On my system I can go up to 64tracks(2dsp) and still get the 64 sample buffer. HOWEVER a wierd glitch in PT 8.0 and higher is the 64 sample buffer doesn't always show up unless you go down to 48tracks(1dsp) and then switch to 64 sample buffer and then switch back to 64 tracks. You have an HD3 so you might be able to get it as high as you want.

With my system, I can run 64 tracks and I've never had a problem with the number of busses.

Oh and yeah have delay compensation off, I just switched it in a session I'm ixing just to show it can go lower then 256 or 128.
nothing constructive here, just came to bash joey for switching to HD.. let me see.. ah yes;

oh really? last time i opened pro-tools i just had to check i was running at 64 samples latency, and i was good to go.. did i say protools? oh, i meant cubase.

delay compensation? i don't really know what you mean, my daw handles that all for me. i like to think it just lets me get on with my work :D


(NB: the author is jealous that joey has a million dollars to spend on a daw, but does genuinely prefer cubendo. preference thing, yada yada.. :P )
yeah there's some weird thing where it has to be set to an odd # of processors.
... i have 3 and my biggest mix sessions use maybe 50% of my CPU power
your setup is ridiculously powerful