To the Europeans who drink...

I personally don't like strong beer/stout that much because the alcohol comes through too much and that kinda ruins the taste of the beer IMO. "Regular" bock beer around 6.5 % alc. is better. Wouldn't mind to give that Hermannator a shot though. :)
5 % is nothing if you wana get pissed you drink hermanntaor its from the vancouver island brewing company and its 9.5 %, tastes prety good too.


I will have to try it next time I am over in canada, but trust me the UK has some badass beers just like yours but they are not well known because most people now drink larger:Puke::Puke:

The beer I usually drink when I am in canada is Keiths.:)

The reason for me mentioning beer in the UK is back in Pre 1900 there was nothing else which could be drunk by we the english because the water in the cites was not drinkable so everyone had to drink beer and some very good beers came about.

And if you drink them expect to be running to the washroom in the morning.:hypno::hypno::yuk::yuk:
yeh keiths is deffinatly one of my favorites but i usually end up drinking molson which is ok most of the time. Oh and hermannator is a seasonal beer you can only get it during the winter.
Yeah right, obviously you have never drunk real english ALE 5.0% alc content and above I remeber Michael Angelo coming over from USA and getting pis*ed after 5 pints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you really want to get wasted try drinking english cider or snake bite:lol::lol::lol::lol:
8 to 11% beers are quite common in belgium

Gulden Draak: 10.5%
Chimey Triple: 11.6%
Rochefort: 11.3%
Bush Beer: 12%
Duvel: 8.5%
Judas: 8.5%

There even is a bar in Belgium where they challenge you to drink 10 Duvels in 1 hour time. If you can do it, you win 25.000 EUR (to pay the hospital bill i guess :D)
8 to 11% beers are quite common in belgium

Gulden Draak: 10.5%
Chimey Triple: 11.6%
Rochefort: 11.3%
Bush Beer: 12%
Duvel: 8.5%
Judas: 8.5%

There even is a bar in Belgium where they challenge you to drink 10 Duvels in 1 hour time. If you can do it, you win 25.000 EUR (to pay the hospital bill i guess :D)

where is that bar ? :kickass:

anway I think after 6, I'll be dead... But it could be fun to see how many of them I can take :D
8 to 11% beers are quite common in belgium

Gulden Draak: 10.5%
Chimey Triple: 11.6%
Rochefort: 11.3%
Bush Beer: 12%
Duvel: 8.5%
Judas: 8.5%

There even is a bar in Belgium where they challenge you to drink 10 Duvels in 1 hour time. If you can do it, you win 25.000 EUR (to pay the hospital bill i guess :D)

I'd take that challenge on!
where is that bar ? :kickass:

anway I think after 6, I'll be dead... But it could be fun to see how many of them I can take :D
here's a movie of some guy trying:
it's in a bar in Tongeren

The challenge is to drink 10 Duvels in 1 hour time without throwing up or pissing. If you can sit straight for half an hour after the challenge, you win the 25.000

seems that there are multiple bars in belgium who do it
8 to 11% beers are quite common in belgium

Gulden Draak: 10.5%
Chimey Triple: 11.6%
Rochefort: 11.3%
Bush Beer: 12%
Duvel: 8.5%
Judas: 8.5%

There even is a bar in Belgium where they challenge you to drink 10 Duvels in 1 hour time. If you can do it, you win 25.000 EUR (to pay the hospital bill i guess :D)

Right I best get training weres the Bar.

Its possible to do, I know a guy who can do that in his sleep hes an old rugby player and he's 5 foot 8 tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

There is a trick to drinking that volume of liquid but you need to do some training drinking water first.
Here's the real question: would you rather do that bar challenge or the power hour? (drink a gallon of milk in one hour :ill: )
yeh id put money down that my brother could do that he can drink like a fish, ive seen him do a 2 pint beer bong it 3 gulps it was gone it about 30 seconds.
If your going for it guys practice with a yard of ALE first and make sure you had a big meal the day before.

And make sure you have been to the toilet before you do it.
I've done a yard of Ale before now, that was serious fun.

Oh and whoever mentioned beer bongs, HELL YEAH! They rock. :rock:

yeh but they are definatly best with ales and lagers i did a guiness in one the other day just to see how it was an shit that was tough.
I've heard the thing about the Duvel challenge is not the amount of alcohol involved (I've emptied a sixpack of lager in less than two minutes in a drunken, stupid competition and I would never dare to say I'd complete the Duvel challenge), but people say the Duvel's foam is something that comes right back up no matter what :O Never tasted the brand, though, and that video made me really, really not want to :D