toby... how did you ever live with this?


Overly-Cryptic Jake
this might be a bit long, but the payoff is great...

indieradioisdead: what about those US women who are going over to be human shields for saddam?
indieradioisdead: you hear about them?
ozmagreed: saddam should be held accountable for their deaths
ozmagreed: yes
indieradioisdead: all i could say was "wow" and "idiots"
ozmagreed: they could've been human shields for a legitimate cause
ozmagreed: and they totally wasted the chance
ozmagreed: by defending SADDAM
indieradioisdead: 15 minutes of fame i guess
indieradioisdead: "we are so anti-war... mmm, that... mmm, we'll be morrons!!!! YES!!!"
ozmagreed: i think it is more they have been fooled
ozmagreed: into thinking they are helping the cause of peace
ozmagreed: when they are actually just making it harder
indieradioisdead: yea, when did help saddam = peace anyway?
ozmagreed: theyre just going to get killed by US bombs and the US is going to have to explain that
ozmagreed: and it will be harder for the US to fix up the country afterward
ozmagreed: with the UN bogged down by naysayers
ozmagreed: meanwhile real peace activists will be mocked by the mainstream
ozmagreed: and associated with those fools
indieradioisdead: ah yes... the fun 'media manipulation'
indieradioisdead: it so fun to watch the news and read between the lines
ozmagreed: hehe
ozmagreed: yeah
indieradioisdead: i mean, you HAVE to to get the real story
indieradioisdead: sad really
ozmagreed: its tough. i think you can only get the "real" story by reading like 7 papers each day :)
indieradioisdead: yea
indieradioisdead: but who has the time (besides you) to read 7 papers?
ozmagreed: thats why people should listen to the people who read 7 papers!
ozmagreed: <----
ozmagreed: heehee
indieradioisdead: oh god, i should totally post that