Today I played music with other people for the first time since October.


poser, not guitarist
Aug 19, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
It's a rock and roll project called Gadank that me, a friend from high school who goes to school in Jersey and a college friend of mine put together. My bro from high school and I had a band called Dead Alive that involved lots of gore and improv and this is sort of a continuation of that.

For anyone interested here's a link to our very basic website and an mp3 of some dicking around today. It's by no means the tightest thing around but we'll practice more and things will get tighter from there.

Enjoy, I guess.
Dude... Arty (the drummer) and I wanted to call ourselves Aerosmyth but George (keys) wouldn't let that fly. We just stuck our initials together into a pronouncable word and GADANK was decided upon as a name.

The music will get a lot tighter in the future if I have any say in the matter.


3.14 is a rational number, buddy. It's <pi> that isn't.
Woah? You like that guitar tone? I can't STAND it but it was all we had available.

Also, metalcore=possibly my least favorite form of music ever so no dice.

The latter-day Carcass-y riff is as close to metalcore as I will ever get.