today is the best day of work ever

that sort of happened here, but i have feeling that it was to a lesser degree. after 9/11 they fired my assistants! but they also reduced the intake of my work load. (like, making income limits for the clients i had to help etc.)
do you at least feel like you have a relative amount of job security?
kinda sorta. it's still a dot-com and we still seem to be fairly rudderless at times, but I'm not sure if they can afford to lose me quite yet. i've already survived so many rounds of layoffs, it doesn't faze me much anymore. if the job market wasn't so shitty, it would actually be a blessing.

all in all, I'm probably as safe as the company. If we lose any big clients, it's not just me that's gonna go down.
well, if anything happens, fred can call them and break it down....

he has a pager. it's hidden under his protruding EVIL PAWS potbelly.

in other news, i just starting choking at work because i had two pills stuck in my throat and my boss yells PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! and i do it and immediately think EVIL PAWS UP! and start choking harder.