today is the chinese new year!

toby: no. but maybe you can feng shui it out. leave a glass of water on your desk all day, dont drink it, and then throw it out when you leave!
hm well my mom said it'd be better than nothing. also, be nice to monkeys all year and put a picture of a monkey next to your bed! then she thinks it'll be okay.
my mom is so serious about this kinda stuff.
alex, well it's symbolic. like scissors cut your luck to pieces. washing your hair washes away your luck.
i'd avoid cutting stuff!
me: "hey, can you chop this shit up for me?"
naomi: "why?"
me: "it's the chinese new year and it's bad luck to chop shit up, apparently"
naomi: "oh...i didn't know you followed that religion."
me: "i don't think it's a religious practise so much as a superstition?"
naomi: (raises eyebrow)
me: "...never mind."