Today Marks the Second Anniversary...

Am I the only one who hasn't been affected by this in any way shape or form?

Not to start slaggin people and unfortunate situations but his death meant absolutely nothing to me.

< shrugs >


It's a shame he died, but holy fucking shit, move on. I dug pantera and DD but he didn't exactly influence my style of playing or anything and although he was a really cool guy, just let it go. So it's the second anniversary. That's like saying, "HAPPY 2nd SENSELESS KILLING ANNIVERSARY, DIMEBAG!"

I never understood the fascination with his playing. Great solos, average rhythms.
i agree. i posted RIP and shit, because he was a cool guy, but neither pantera or his playing influenced me. But it is a shame he got shot by a guy with mental problems who got access to a gun through his equally crazy mother.
The man died senselessly in a shooting. He seemed like a nice guy, who liked to play metal, have a few beers, and loved his friends.

I don't think whether or not you liked his music comes into it, as a human-being you should show some compassion. RIP, Dimebag.
Of course I show compassion for the man, but I would show compassion for ANY man who dies senselessly, not just him. There are people dying far more horrible deaths in the world that we never even get a glimpse of.
I'm aware. I'm not lauding Dimebag over all men, it just grates when people manage to bring up the topic of whether they liked him has a player or not in a thread dedicated to remembering him.
Yeah that was probably uncalled for and even superfluous on my part, but it's been two years and everyone is still up in arms about it. I think I'm just a cold-hearted dick when it comes to these things because I feel that many people lose sight of the big picture. A MAN died in a horrible way and that is a travesty. He was a super nice guy and didn't deserve any of it, but I feel that people should move on and let him rest in peace.
just let it go. So it's the second anniversary. That's like saying, "HAPPY 2nd SENSELESS KILLING ANNIVERSARY, DIMEBAG!"
Just let it go? Seriously? OK, let's just forget about the guy completely.

If this was the guitarist in YOUR favorite band I bet you'd be singing a different tune.

Either way, great influential guitarist or not, Dimebag was a great person that deserves to be remembered.

Sorry, but I can't "just let it go."

Who said ANYTHING about forgetting him? I said move on and don't bring it up every single second of the day. Every month in every guitar/metal/rock/music magazine/webzine/website/band page/band credits/concert, there is a reference to Dimebag. It's all good and stuff, but I think people should just let it go. All I'm saying is let the man's soul rest in's turning into another Kurt Cobain.

Tonight it's metal night at Velvet Rock club in honor of Dimebag's one is saying forget the guy. It just grates on me when everywhere I turn there's an homage to him somewhere. I loved the guy, but I'm not the "this is my guitar hero" type of guy.

If I HAD a guitar player that I worshipped, I wouldn't still be bringing it up two years after the fact, no offense to anyone who has on this board at all. It's just my opinion.
Who said ANYTHING about forgetting him? I said move on and don't bring it up every single second of the day. Every month in every guitar/metal/rock/music magazine/webzine/website/band page/band credits/concert, there is a reference to Dimebag. It's all good and stuff, but I think people should just let it go. All I'm saying is let the man's soul rest in's turning into another Kurt Cobain.
Bro, nobody talks about it every day, at least not here. Today is the anniversary of his death. I don't think remembering him on this day is going to upset his soul.
*shrugs* I'm indifferent. Never really thought much about the guy, before or after death.
...I miss my favorite Thai food place which closed shop a few weeks ago.