Today Marks the Second Anniversary...

i like the guy's work, i think he was a great player, and everyone said he was one of the nicest, coolest, down to earth guys out there. It's a shame he's gone because as a fan I'd love to hear him put out some new stuff, i'd have loved to have seen a Rebel Meets Rebel concert if they ever came around.

Anyway, im shocked to see the guy go, but even more, im shocked to see that someone would actually jump on stage and kill an entertainer like that. Especially one as kind as Darrell. It's not like he was found dead of his own doings in his home or something, he was tragically killed infront of hundreds of his fans and his own family.

I dont see people constantly bringing up his death, that kinda fades away as time goes on, but i think its good to remember him on the day, just like I'm sure my dad knows that today is Lennon's death date, he's probably listening to some of his hits today to remember him.
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Great man, great music he's done. I figure it'll be a date I won't forget... And added on to the date of Lennon's death as well. I like the fact that for once, a man of good nature, and at least did something to influence people, is remembered. We hear about the deaths of others every day, and they were amazing people... we don't hear on the news or radio about them. I appreciate the fact that an amazing guy like Dimebag actually is publicly mourned.

RIP Dimebag Darrell.

I'm sure he'll continue to influence music, even after his passing.

[Arnold]Stop whinning[/Arnold]
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Well, if you don't want to remember him and you didn't like him, that's fine. But there's no need to go out of your way to be an asshole and talk shit about the guy on a thread where others choose to say something nice about him.


the man was inspirational to thousands of players, a great friend to many people, loyal to his fans, and a pretty damn good song writer. If you dissagree with me, then fine, but you dont need to spread this shit around.

Go tell Vinnie Paul that you dont give a shit that his brother is dead, or that its a waste of time to bring up his death date to remember the guy, or that your glad he's gone. Then come see me when your out of the hospital.
Well, there was this guy, William Grim: MAXIMUM METAL
I couldn't find the Intellectual Conservative web-site it originated from, but either way, it's an equally disgusting and hilarious read.
Well, there was this guy, William Grim: MAXIMUM METAL
I couldn't find the Intellectual Conservative web-site it originated from, but either way, it's an equally disgusting and hilarious read.

That was posted on blabbermouth after the initial news broke about the Dime's murder. It's barely worth thinking about because the man was a complete idiot.

On a side note, it is the ONE and SINGLE time the Blabbermouth boneheads have had the opportunity to do something useful - they plagued him with threats of violence and buggery. :)
That was posted on blabbermouth after the initial news broke about the Dime's murder. It's barely worth thinking about because the man was a complete idiot.

On a side note, it is the ONE and SINGLE time the Blabbermouth boneheads have had the opportunity to do something useful - they plagued him with threats of violence and buggery. :)

:erk: :zombie:

Edit: Why would anyone want to bugger a fat, middle-aged, conservative nutter? Hmmm, but threats are good in some cases, I suppose. On that note, I see Peter Dolving had another one of his petulant rants regarding a Blabbermouth member who threatened to kill him if Bori continued to post his MySpace blog entries. Which was entertaining.
THAT'S where I've seen that...Blabbermouth. However, I'm sure most of the wankers on Blabbermouth simply replied with something to the effect of, "YOU'RE A BIG FAT GAY UGLY DOO-DOO HEAD!!!!! LOLZ!!11!!"
Sure, it may make one feel slightly queezy, but I'd contend that a good manditory buggering for everyone that says something so clearly stupid and base would get alot of them to shut the fuck up.