Today Marks the Second Anniversary...

Hehe, that reminds me of the time on the Family Guy when Stewie went on "Children Say the Darnest Things" with Bill Cosby, and he just kept saying, "A BIG, STUPID DOO-DOO HEAD, HAHA!!!", to which Stewie replied, "That's not funny. You're just repeating what she said."
THAT'S where I've seen that...Blabbermouth. However, I'm sure most of the wankers on Blabbermouth simply replied with something to the effect of, "YOU'RE A BIG FAT GAY UGLY DOO-DOO HEAD!!!!! LOLZ!!11!!"

Yep, alot of that did occur. However, the more enterprising of the boneheads plagued the fellows home with threatening phone-calls, which probably further rooted his bastard conception of heavy metal but is undoubtedly funny.
Sure, it may make one feel slightly queezy, but I'd contend that a good manditory buggering for everyone that says something so clearly stupid and base would get alot of them to shut the fuck up.

Now that sounds like something the English would say. :lol:
Now that sounds like something the English would say. :lol:

Ok, I'll revise:

Aye, it maybe be somethin that makes ye feel like pukin' up yer guts, but am sure that a good arse raping for every cuntin' basturt that says something so stupit would make half o them shut their mooths.
i was in wall-mart
and a guy recognized me, ran up to me and said "today is the 2nd anniversary of darrel's death"
i know a lot of dead people, i've had a lot of people overdose and also stabbed and shot people bleeding out in my arms, i didn't know anybody that had ever even been east of the mississippi when the twin towers fell, but i know a lot of people that died in this ridiculous Iraqi war we're having
i know dozens, pehaps even a hundred people that have died, so i said "darrel who?" and the guy in wall-mart says "dimebag, today is the 2 year anniversary of dimebag darrel getting killed"
he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a photo, then it hits me, i recognize who i'm looking at, and he knows that i know what the picture is, but he shows it to me anyway.
the picture is a dollor-store-camera-pic of Pantera standing in the living room of another friend of mine. me and this guy personnaly knew Pantera, this was a pic that this guy had been carrying around in his back pocket 24/7 365 for a couple of years BEFORE dimebag died, and the couch in the background was a couch that i've had sex on, i actually personnaly knew dimebag, but i'm still objective enough to be the first person to say that his music totally sucked, but i also knew him enough to be the first person to say that he was way nicer than the other band members, dimebag had a genuinely nice-guy soul, and that, totally seperate from him being a celeb, he was a real human being, in the way that most celebs aren't, no one on earth had any legit reason to kill him, and for me that's the thing that makes his death sad, not his goddamm celeb status
i was in wall-mart
and a guy recognized me, ran up to me and said "today is the 2nd anniversary of darrel's death"
i know a lot of dead people, i've had a lot of people overdose and also stabbed and shot people bleeding out in my arms, i didn't know anybody that had ever even been east of the mississippi when the twin towers fell, but i know a lot of people that died in this ridiculous Iraqi war we're having
i know dozens, pehaps even a hundred people that have died, so i said "darrel who?" and the guy in wall-mart says "dimebag, today is the 2 year anniversary of dimebag darrel getting killed"
he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a photo, then it hits me, i recognize who i'm looking at, and he knows that i know what the picture is, but he shows it to me anyway.
the picture is a dollor-store-camera-pic of Pantera standing in the living room of another friend of mine. me and this guy personnaly knew Pantera, this was a pic that this guy had been carrying around in his back pocket 24/7 365 for a couple of years BEFORE dimebag died, and the couch in the background was a couch that i've had sex on, i actually personnaly knew dimebag, but i'm still objective enough to be the first person to say that his music totally sucked, but i also knew him enough to be the first person to say that he was way nicer than the other band members, dimebag had a genuinely nice-guy soul, and that, totally seperate from him being a celeb, he was a real human being, in the way that most celebs aren't, no one on earth had any legit reason to kill him, and for me that's the thing that makes his death sad, not his goddamm celeb status

Shut up and die, paedo.
i was in wall-mart
and a guy recognized me, ran up to me and said "today is the 2nd anniversary of darrel's death"
i know a lot of dead people, i've had a lot of people overdose and also stabbed and shot people bleeding out in my arms, i didn't know anybody that had ever even been east of the mississippi when the twin towers fell, but i know a lot of people that died in this ridiculous Iraqi war we're having
i know dozens, pehaps even a hundred people that have died, so i said "darrel who?" and the guy in wall-mart says "dimebag, today is the 2 year anniversary of dimebag darrel getting killed"
he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a photo, then it hits me, i recognize who i'm looking at, and he knows that i know what the picture is, but he shows it to me anyway.
the picture is a dollor-store-camera-pic of Pantera standing in the living room of another friend of mine. me and this guy personnaly knew Pantera, this was a pic that this guy had been carrying around in his back pocket 24/7 365 for a couple of years BEFORE dimebag died, and the couch in the background was a couch that i've had sex on, i actually personnaly knew dimebag, but i'm still objective enough to be the first person to say that his music totally sucked, but i also knew him enough to be the first person to say that he was way nicer than the other band members, dimebag had a genuinely nice-guy soul, and that, totally seperate from him being a celeb, he was a real human being, in the way that most celebs aren't, no one on earth had any legit reason to kill him, and for me that's the thing that makes his death sad, not his goddamm celeb status

Cara saw LRD at the grocery store recently. He was with his crazy mom. We can't shop there ever again.

That's a shame.
I only assume it was his mother, I just saw him walking next to someone pushing a cart. Didn't actually take the time to look and study over the other person.