today we have our holiday party at work


Aug 2, 2002
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at 1 o'clock. it's the first one i've ever been to, because i've always been out.

i brought:

2 huge bags of fruit
3 boxes of cookies
and i made lasagna

i had to ask brad the fireman to drive me to work today because i couldn't carry it all on the subway and he refuses to take public transportation.

sunday i am taking freddy on a train for the first time. i hope he doesn't lose his mind and chew his way out of his carrier and attack the train conductor with a switchblade.

*the end*
what are the chances that on the one day i am not really supposed to do any work, before my holiday vacation, that 5 clients die and i have to do a buncha work now when their families show up.

yea i use nutritional yeast flakes to make cheese (the recipe is in the new farm cookbook i think). no one could tell last year that it wasn't real cheese. they ate it all.
well it was a bunch of non-vegan or vegetarians that thought it was just regular lasagna. probably because i'm so italian they just assumed it was 'okay'.
i am not sure i really care if other people care about fake cheese or not... now that i think about it...
i dont have time to look for a recipe for the cheese right now... but i have made pizza with yeast flakes and my dad really liked it (he's picky). it's stringy like regular cheese on a pizza and stuff.
i think my coworkers should all give me $20 each for talking a large group of hot fireman into coming to our office party for entertainment dammit.