today we have our holiday party at work

hah xfer. it's like an episode of queer eye for the straight guy times about 10 right now.

i just spent 10 minutes making a sign that said 'drinks this room!' no one could read my writing :(
so it's totally bizarre but the office manager was going to cook a LEG OF PORK upstairs on the 12th floor(we're on the 7th but we have a cafeteria up there) and someone STOLE the leg of pork last night!!!!!.
now i am sitting here with a really depressed feeling and i may just want to sit under my desk and eat grapes.
seriously brad is over here going 'fucking leg of pork!!' and i want to change that song 'who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?' to 'who stole the pork leg from the cafeteria?'
nadia made these really awesome rice and beans but i ate too much =[ her and her sister gave me this really neat grape scented bath set and then this guy vishal got me 4 candles from yankee candle co. !
And I lost it. But that's not the worst bonus I've recieved. From that job that fired me I got a cast iron tree ornament in the shape of a crane the first two years. Then they even got rid of that. I also got a $-750 bonus from the same company. yes, negative.
they usually give us ornaments as a bonus, but not enough $$ this year to do so (first year in aeons- people have their ornaments hanging outside their offices, like honor badges of duty or something). last yr they gave us a free vacation day. this year they're asking us to work without pay.

time to update resume?
chupe, wtf?
i am so glad i didn't get a freakin turkey for a bonus. i got no bonus, and frankly i'd rather that than a turkey.
at my last two jobs before this, i got as a christmas bonus:
1) 1,500$ (from boss. uncle. thanks uncle frank)
2) all my horticulture high school students standing in my yard singing 'we wish you an awesome christmas'.

anyway, the perv intern never showed! THANK GOD. i am home now. and i dont have to go back until the 30th!
preppy: that is spectacular.

and yeah i don't think i really get a christmas bonus either. i think all the paid time off they give us is considered a big enough bonus and oh yeah they are lewtting us get a paycheck one week sooner than expected on christmas eve.