Tom Cruise and Scientology

Dec 25, 2004
After Tom Cruise's recent tomfoolery :tickled: (oh I crack myself up).....anyway, I was interested to look a little bit into Scientology to try to work out where he is coming from. I don't know if any of you know much about it or even whether you are interested to know about it but according to this site, it's pretty scary stuff..... There is a lot to read here and I haven't read all of it but the first few sections that I did read were a real eye-opener. I read selected parts to the end. And I don't blame you if you couldn't be bothered.... :)

Scientology- The Fable
I'm sure I heard somewhere it started as a bet between L. Ron Hubbard and Isaac Asimov to see if Ron could convince anyone to believe such rot :lol:. When people did, he registered it as a religion as a cunning plan to avoid paying tax.

What a pity Spawny doesn't post here anymore. I believe his luxury apartment complex is right next door to the Scientology temple in Sydney.

Slightly offtopic.

Falun Gong practicers are fucking insane and the chinese government should be persecuting more of them.

The guy who started it, Li Hongzhi,i
n several interviews he has explained that he believes in the presence of alien life on earth. He considers the aliens a menace, and describes their intent as to corrupt and eventually replace humanity. He holds alien influence responsible for the rapid expansion of computers, machines, and for the advancement of technology in general.

Seriously, pull your socks up China or these fucks are the next raelians.
I actually respect the raelians though, they killed themselves which saved me the hassle of inevitably doing it when I become Grand Sultan of Earth.
Scientologists, oh yes - now there's a real bunch of nutbags! I looked into Scientology after meeting a girl a few years back who was convicned it was fantastic and helped her so much blah blah blah.... She gave me a copy of Dianetics to read, which was interesting at first and even had some valid points.

Where it lost me was L. Ron Hubbard's repeated references to 'mother trying to abort baby with knitting needles' (or a coathanger) and this causing massive problems with 'engrams' later in life. Seriously warped. Check the book out and you'll see what I mean. Besides which, it has a picture of L. Ron Hubbard on the back wearing a full sailor's suit and captain's hat. Nice.

If you go to the Scientology website and do the personality test there I guarantee no matter what you answer the result will be that you need help in some area of your life, no matter how positive your answers. Try it for yourself and see, it is totally rigged to make you think you NEED Scientology to help you when in actual fact it is a load of bollocks! Case in point - this girl who gave me the book used to work at the Church of Scientology for NOTHING in exchange for 'auditing' sessions where they hook you up to an e-meter (look it up on the web) and ask you questions in order to 'clear' you of engrams.

I can't recall where but I heard that Scientology is wealthiest religion in the world, or maybe it was the second wealthiest after the Catholic Church. That right there should tell you what it's REALLY about.

Fun Trivia fact:

The lyrics to Faith No More's Land of Sunshine contain a few of the questions on the Scientology personality test such as:

Do you often sing or whistle just for fun?

Does life seem worthwhile to you?

Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?

I suspect that the point of the song was taking the piss out of Scientology.
These are some of the quotes from that site. I hardly know where to start.

"Why Scientology pursues celebrities
Celebrities are of vital use in Scientology for numerous purposes: to recruit the masses, to endorse L. Ron Hubbard's teachings, to give Scientology greater acceptability in mainstream America and to forward Scientology's secret goals of world control. In a society that often equates celebrity with credibility, using highly recognized celebrities to help hide, deflect or overcome Scientology's horrendous public relations problems is understandable

How celebrities are recruited into Scientology
The first thing to realize about recruiting celebrities in Scientology is that they are kept ignorant about what is really going on until they are hooked. The celebrities are shielded from all bad news. They are pampered and isolated in the finest buildings in settings like country-clubs. They're kept totally away from all the cruelty and the abuse that goes on inside the organization, and at Scientology's gulag-type concentration camps and punishment centers.

Most Scientology celebrities are victims that don't know that they are being systematically deceived and rendered suggestible by use of counseling processes that are no more that covert hypnosis. A very few of them know about Scientology's secret goals, but most of them have no idea about the suicides or the attempted suicides at the Celebrity centers or other centers. Any time they hear anything negative they are told "It's all lies. Don't listen to it" "

Apparently Hubbard was a satanist who used the same techniques of hypnosis to control the minds of followers as Hitler did.

It's all quite bizarre to watch Tom Cruise now after all that I have read and to see him putting into action all the things that are explained in the fable.

PIV Bassman.....I also agree with some of the things they "believe in" but I don't think they really do believe in it. It's just manipulation to get people into the religion and then feel that they can never leave.

Scientologists love to pick on the mentally ill and drug addicts and bring them into the fold. Charles Manson was a Scientologist but he went even more wacko after all the hours of hypnosis he was subjected to. And wasn't he a nice guy?
Very interesting! I've never known much about it.

Thanks for the FNM info, PIV - I'll listen to it in a different way now!
Scientology isn't even recognised as a church in most countries, the US and Australia being notable exceptions. It's banned in Germany (probably due to Hubbard's links with fascism) and other European countries. "Dianetics" has been on the New York Times best-seller list for so long because devotees buy it by the pallet-load. It's not surprising that Cruise is a Scientologist, because the main principle is basically self-worship. I did recently learn that the Church of Scientology endorses the UN Human Rights Charter, which is interesting in itself.
I wrote "feel they can never feel" when I meant to say feel they can never leave. :bah:

They also make files and files of information on all that the celebrities "confess" during their initiation period. Then they can't leave because the church threatens to divulge all.