tom cruise, historian

there are sometimes scientology info tables at the atlantic avenue station of the subway masked as 'stress test' centers. then you get close to the tables and realize there's no like, blood pressure monitors and only l.r. hubbard books. fucking weirdos. people are such suckers. let them believe it, who cares?
I always thought scientologists were just a group of people who got together and did experiments like putting baking soda and vinegar together and had science fairs and stuff. But after some research it appears that scientology really has nothing to do with that.
Seriously, I'm glad Tom Cruise is so whacked out just because he helped to create this thread.

My mom and I were looking for Dianetics at the local used book store last week just for shits and giggles, we tried both fiction and science fiction sections before giving up approx. 2 minutes later.
There's this massive church of scientology on the street in front of the University of Texas campus at Austin that hobos and drug dealers hang out in front of. I've often thought about feigning an interest in the stuff to be let in so I could start a fire in the bathroom.
My sister in law's ex-boss hired a consultant a few years back to help in the organisation part of the business as he felt there was some problems in the company. The company is pretty small ( some 25 emplyees at most and is in the manufacturing business, basically it is a machine shop). My sister in law does pretty much all the billing, and all teh finance part and HR of the business so she basically talks to everybody in the place at one point or another.

So the consultant comes in and the first thing he identifies as necessary is to establish everybody's tasks and what they are supposed to do and do an organigram. Since their is no human resources my sister in law is targeted by the guy as THE resource in the company to based all his work upon because she is pretty much the hub were everything transits.

During the next few months, the consultant systematically destroys any kind of self worth she had because he keep hammering the point that everything that goes wrong in the business is because of her. Because she was told by her boss to listen to everything the guy tells her she has problems voicing any kind of counterargument, especially because everything he says is not without foundation (the business is working all wacky and it must be someone's fault)

Anyway, after totally breaking her will he basically tells her is that her problem is communicationg with the rest of the people in the company. The solution is simple: Communication classes. So he gives her some documentation about it and leave it at that. It looks legit so she take the necessary arrangements to schedule classes and her boss is willing to pay since it is recommended by the consultant.

But sometimes before the classes the consultant finally hints at scientology and how it could help her with everything she experiences and he proposes new documentation and classes proposals. Not knowing anything about scientology she agrees because by then she is pretty much a zombie when with this guy.

During all this time, my brother was trying to keep her somewhat sane and because he works in the same company sees thing going on but isn't able to really say that he is trying to brainwash her or anything. In any case, when the scientology finally comes up he just put a stop to it and just said:''Just wait, let's get more info and we'll see''

So here comes the hero of this story: the intarweb. They spent like 6 hours that night on the web, reading horror story after horror story, stories that were exactly the same as hers, some different, often with an organizational consultant coming in a company and recruiting three quarters of the company within two years. So the next morning they came to work with a hundred and fifty pages of documentation that they gave to the boss and he fired the consultant on the spot after a lengthy conversation with my brother and his girlfriend.

Scientology is great! I'm going to ask around in downtown Athens to see if they have a church here. If they do, I'll go and make them tell me all about it.
so like are scientologists out west like the jehovah's out here? where i grew up they had compounds and set up fucking sting operations to corner you at every turn.
How To Spot A Scientologist:

An anonymous posting was made under the ominous title "SCIENTOLOGY INFILTRATION". It is a guide to identifying Scientologists who may be on under cover operations. Quite useful.


Scientologists are heavily indoctrinated with training routines to look you in the eye when communicating. This is not meant to be a threat or a show of strength but actually meant to enhance communication. However, it is often performed robotically and feels strange. Anyway, it is a trait rather rare amongst non-scientologists but very common amongst scientologists so it is the primary visual indicator that you have a scientologist in front of you.


Many clears proudly wear a bracelet that looks almost identical to a medic alert bracelet except that it carries the scientology symbol and their clear number on the back. If someone is wearing one of these you can bet they are a scientologist."


LRH was fond of making up words ending with -ness, beingness, doingness and havingness. You will often find scientologists doing the same thing. It will just slip out in conversation."

secretly, in that he owns the washington times and stuff, yeah. ask anyone on the street about it though and they'll be like "moonies are an insane cult" 99 times out of 100.
exciar28 said:
I always wondered how influential Moonism is in US. Somebody tell me.

I'm not sure if there are any "Moonists" in the U.S, but Toby is a Lunarian. Seems close enough to me.