Tommorrow, Paramor Tribute!


Santa Hat Forever
I know the name tribute sounds big for a band who just released a third record and are barely one or two years older than the ones paying a "tribute" to them, but whatever that´s what it is.

The show will be filmed and audio will be recorded from soundboard, fo sure I will post videos and pics here. I´m super excited cause it´s a new "band" (members of different bands getting together to do this), I´m gonna play songs that I totally love and really move me, and plus it´s my last live show in Venezuela.

Just for those interested, the setlist will be like this:

Born for this
That´s what you get/Here we go again
Let the flames begin(the super epic live version)
When it Rains
My Heart
Misery Business

If time (and electric power, FUCK MY COUNTRY) allows it, we just might be able to hit Brick by boring brick in rehearsal today, but it´s pretty tight
The show was pretty damn awesome and had a very good attendance for the venue (165 where the alltime record is 210 and "legal" max is 150), although audio wasn't recorded and Im almost sure video wasn't either (we had TWO sound technicians bail on us at last minute) There are photos and I will now hunt them down through facebook and post here if I see some cool ones