Tommy and Avantasia/Ayreon...


May 14, 2007
I've always wondered how it would be if Tommy would sing on an 'Avantasia' or 'Ayreon' album.....

Well, it would rock of course :rock:.

The new 'Edguy' album will come out in a couple of weeks and a tour will follow so Tobias is quite busy at the moment. After the tour he'll probably work on another 'Avantasia' album though.
Arjen is currently writing/recording his solo album but after that a new 'Ayreon' album is very likely to happen.

What are your thoughts on this?
Would Tommy fit in in those two concepts?
Is it time to drop his name on a few specific forums to gather some interest....;) ?
I think that would be fantastic! :D

Especially with Ayreon (it's miles better than Avantasia in my opinion, which is too much traditional power metal on the last effort), but I doubt that's gonna happen. Is Arjen even planning on more Ayreon stuff? I thought that chapter is over...

But I'm sure he will do other things which would be interesting!

Is it time to drop his name on a few specific forums to gather some interest.... ?

Either that or we tell him directly. :D
Is Arjen even planning on more Ayreon stuff? I thought that chapter is over...

I think Arjen's last Ayreon-related comment was that he was going to do other things for a while to give himself time to get new ideas, now that the Forever storyline is over.
There's certainly still an opportunity for a new 'Ayreon' album.
The Timeline compilation ('The Memory Remains') made an end to the story but "...if I do another Ayreon, I want to come up with something new, like I did with The Human Equation".

If he eventually decides not to do it, a totally new project (with a few guest singers) would be great as well of course.
I actually tipped Arjen about SW back in 2009, mentioning the accidental similarities between the THE and MF stories:

> SW's last album was a concept album, about a man in coma after a car
> crash... ;)

Arjen replied:
== Sounds somewhat familiar, how did they come up with that idea :-)
== I'll check them out, thanks for the tips!

So hopefully he'll give the SW management a call when he's ready to record a new Ayreon album
New Edguy album is amazing!

Don't think there will be any more Avantasia albums for the forseeable future, as the story has ended so to speak...
He might create another universe in the future. You never know.

New Edguy album is amazing!

Don't think there will be any more Avantasia albums for the forseeable future, as the story has ended so to speak...
Great news has been posted in the last two months regarding Avantasia AND Ayreon: 2013 will be good year for sure for fans of these projects :rock: !!


From Tobias Sammet's site:

What many have recently been speculating about we're now happy to confirm. Tobias is indeed working on a new AVANTASIA epic that is planned to be released in spring 2013.
Concept wise the album will be a classic Rock-Opera / Metal Opera. It's going to be a timeless fairytale, that despite its fantasy appeal, was inspired by happenings of our modern age and society....
".....I wanna create more great music, I wanna create more fantasy-worlds, the bigger and the more epic, the better. And listening to the material that I have created for this forthcoming chapter in the history of AVANTASIA, I know there is no way, I am not going to do it! I have got the feeling and the certainty, that this is absolutely meant to happen and to be! - Cheerz, Tobi".


In this little home movie, Arjen Lucassen reveals what his next project (due in 2013) will be:

So, both albums WILL happen and let's hope Tommy will be a part of that (at least on one of them ;) )!
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Tobias Sellout thinks he is a good singer, so odds are you'd only hear 15 seconds of Tommy anyway. I really wish I hadn't bought Hellfire Club, Rocket Ride, Tinnitus Sanctus, and any of the Avantasia albums.
Well, well...... :) .

'Ayreon' mastermind Arjen Lucassen posted the seventh and final vocalist for us to guess.
There's no guessing though....we all know :kickass::rock: !

Here's the confirmation-video with Tommy introducing himself and with some 'behind the scenes' footage as well:

I think that would be fantastic! :D

Especially with Ayreon (it's miles better than Avantasia in my opinion, which is too much traditional power metal on the last effort), but I doubt that's gonna happen. Is Arjen even planning on more Ayreon stuff? I thought that chapter is over...

But I'm sure he will do other things which would be interesting!

Either that or we tell him directly. :D

Boy... did you ever just eat your words, or what? lol
The first official trailer for the new Ayreon album has been released last week:

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"The Theory of Everything" has now officially been released!!

My personal view on the album: it's a good album, although I truly feel that Tommy's talent was really underused.
Sure, I'm biased as can be, but his presence/'singing-time' could have been much bigger (yes, I know he has the most important part in the story, but that doesn't mean he sings a lot).

The lyrics are too simple (=understatement) but fortunately, musical wise, there are some phenomenal moments on the album.
Also, I feel that the album's format is not my cup of tea. One or two long songs I can handle, but 4 is too much.

All in all, I guess I was hoping for more shorter songs with big choruses and a big(ger) part for Tommy.
Nonetheless, a very enjoyable album!
yeah, in my opinion there's too much of short instrumentals, intros, outros, just a few "actual" songs

Actually Tommy is underused, maybe 6 or 7 minutes out of a 90-minutes-monster.

Next time, Arjen!