Seventh Wonder and Ayreon


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
I have received a couple of comments and innuendos regarding a potential connection between the new Seventh Wonder album Mercy Falls and an album by the band Ayreon.
In connection to that I want to make the following statement:

  1. Neither me, nor Tommy has ever heard a single song by the band Ayreon.
  2. Neither me, nor Tommy has ever read a single line of lyrics from the band Ayreon
  3. Neither me, nor Tommy has ever heard of a concept album by the band Ayreon
  4. Apparently there are some similarities in the absolute beginning of the stories. To the best of my knowledge and after what I have been told -that is where the similarities stop
  5. For what is worth -any similaritis between Mercy Falls and said album are purley coincidental and cetainly most unfortunate, so please respect the fact that as far as anyone in Seventh Wonder goes, Mercy Falls is a 100% unique and individual story and should be treated as such.
Andreas :

When I posted this in the other thread, I didn't mean to upset/offend you. I think we all know how hard you worked to give birth to this jewel. But, as a great Ayreon worshipper, I could not help myself than point out these similarities (at the beginning... and at the end, with a "revelation"). And, perhaps it's better you learn this on this board than in reviews ;-)

And... once again : great, great, great album !!!!
Thank you.

However, this is of course not a question of being upset. I merely wanted to state in an official manner as soon as I heard about this, that we in no way had even remotely heard of this other album and it is obviously very important to us not to be dismissed as copies which is something we have always managed to stay away from thus far in our career.

Thanks for your understanding.
Hi Andreas,

I never doubt this a single second... I understand you cringe at the comparison.. It's a common fashion to compare bands/artists... too often it's a (bad) shortcut...

Plus I never noticed any similarities between Ayreon or one of Arjen Lucassen's other projects/records and Seventh Wonder, musically-wise, apart from the few inevitable common musical references... You and Arjen Lucassen are not from the same generation anyway, although Arjen Anthony Lucassen does check and like many modern metal or non-metal bands from today and he does sound pretty modern in many ways. He's an extremely open-minded person.
Lyrics-wise, well... I haven't read the lyrics nor know the story behind Mercy Falls, but what I 've read about Mercy Falls already sounds very different to me, compared to any of what Arjen has written...
and anyway I think so many concept albums are written today in prog metal and progressive rock that it's not soooooo difficult to find at least a tiny similarity... And being 100% new and orginal today is impossible in my opinion. After all, most bands in hard rock and heavy metal or progmetal have got a few similarities as regards the guitar sound, no ? ;-)

This said, you should certainly check the music that Arjen Lucassen does. Not only he's got a lot of talent as composer and arranger (he especially knows so well how to arrange and record parts for various vocalists, even though I don't like some of them), but also he's a huge music fan with very eclectic tastes, and a lovely and humble person whom I am very glad to know a little bit.
Many people ask him to check some bands they like, which he does naturally himself anyway, and that lead him to ask to some musicians to contribute to his albums very often in the past... and I wouldn't be surprised if he enjoyed your music and playing, which I'll point out to him if nobody else does it...
And maybe you and the other members of Seventh wonder would like some of the music he does too.

All the best,

It is not really a matter of comparison either -that is inevitable and comes with the job. I just want to make it very clear that we in no way were influenced by another story when we came up with our own. Especially not a story we haven't heard.
If people who like us like Ayreon and the other way around it's just great!
It was just a disappointment for us down to hear of this similarity as it came as a total surprise to us and we have worked so incredibly hard with the story.

Regarding MF-discussion thread:
-There will of course be lots of topics on MF later on. Once the album is released! I will not take part in encouraging illegal download of our music on our own website which I am sure you understand.

The second the clock passes midnight between the 11th and 12th of September (wherever you are in the world) -shoot! :)
Comparisions with Ayreon? :yuk: Their last two albums bored the piss outta me. The entire opposite of SW (and no offense to Ayreon/Lucassen fans here).
I saw a thread about Seventh Wonder and Ayreon (my favorite band) and my heart jumped. :lol:

I was thinking "Is Tommy going to sing on the next Ayreon album?", which would be a dream come true for me personally.

And I'm curious, exactly which album are people saying Mercy Falls is similar to? I have every Ayreon album, but I haven't heard Mercy Falls yet.
Just had to throw my two cents in:

I've listened a number of times to the album (member of the press) and done my best to fully understand the story. I've also listened many times to Ayreon's album in the past.

For anyone worried about similarities, you can worry no longer.

I think you'll find the story of Mercy Falls incredibly multifaceted and quite fresh indeed. It's not about the concept: it's about how a story is told. Every story has been told before. But it has never been told like this: with such emotion and cohesion. With characters who live and breathe: who you can see in your mind, who you feel you understand.

Not to mention, of course, the music itself, but that's another discussion entirely!
I saw a thread about Seventh Wonder and Ayreon (my favorite band) and my heart jumped. :lol:

I was thinking "Is Tommy going to sing on the next Ayreon album?", which would be a dream come true for me personally.

And I'm curious, exactly which album are people saying Mercy Falls is similar to? I have every Ayreon album, but I haven't heard Mercy Falls yet.
*gasp* How high?!?!!
I don't have any doubt that Lucassen will want him singing on one of his projects. Just a matter of time. Hopefully the song will be good though.:hypno:
*gasp* How high?!?!!
I don't have any doubt that Lucassen will want him singing on one of his projects. Just a matter of time. Hopefully the song will be good though.:hypno:
High enough that I could be given CPR with a really strong choke. :lol:

All I can say that when the next "Who should sing on the next Ayreon" album comes out, I'll be on the forum on Arjen's website saying Tommy's name.

And I liked the newest album. The Human, not so much.
Unfortunately, it seems as if any ambitious prog metal album will garner up comparisons to Ayreon, even if the story/music has very little in common with them (him, whatever).
It's almost comparable to how almost any prog metal band will be called Dream Theater-esque, even if they don't sound anything like them

I was thinking "Is Tommy going to sing on the next Ayreon album?", which would be a dream come true for me personally.
Seriously, that would kick all sorts of ass.
I would have loved to hear him on 01011001
The only similarity between Ayreon's "The Human Equation" and Seventh Wonder's "Mercy Falls" is the basic premise of a man in a coma and the fact that the albums both start with a car crashing. But that's all.

In Ayreon's "The Human Equation" the story mostly continues inside the man's head - but not like "Mercy Falls" because the realm inside his head isn't described in any way. It's just that his emotions confront him - and each emotion is being sung by a separate vocalist. We then learn about his past - that his father was a really cruel man who neglected and lied to his wife and beat him when he was a child.

So, it's really not THAT much of a resemblance.