How did you discover Seventh Wonder?

A friend of mine was listening to "The Edge of My Blade" on Epic Rock Radio and told me how great the song was. So I went to Epic Rock Radio and gave it a listen and that is when my love for SW started. Boy am I thankful for that day.

I've wished for that song a lot during the last couple of months on Epic Rock Radio... :p

For me it was a long time coming until I fell in love with the band. I remember in 2008 when Mercy Falls came out and all my friends went wild over it. One friend even had a fanpage on MySpace. I remember giving it a try back then... but I don't think I listened more than once. I think I did like it, but it didn't grab me and then it was gone again.

Last September the excitement welled up again between my friends when the Alley Cat video was released. Again I got curious. listened to it... same result.

Around the time we got "The Great Escape" it was announced that Tommy would go on tour with Kamelot. Since they are my favorite band of course my interest peaked again. But it took a few more weeks until a friend of mine praised Tommy's singing skills. Since I value my friends opinion, I FINALLY sat down and listened for real. And bam!!! It clicked. Sometimes it just has to be the right moment I guess. :) I was in serious need for music that made me happy and excited and SW were there to deliver. :)
I was checking out Darkwater on Youtube and saw a comment about another Swedish band by the name of Seventh Wonder. I watched the Alley Cat video & was hooked from there. Really hoping for a DVD someday!
I found out about Seventh Wonder through a friend of mine who is a professional bassplayer. He came to me and said: "Dude, you should check out this band. Not only the music is killer, the bassplayer is just revolutionary". We were still quite young when "Waiting in The Wings" came out, but it sure opened our eyes; the bass can be fucking awesome.