Great artists similar to Seventh Wonder?

By the way "Less showoff-ish" is a good thing. The showing off was what made me stay away from prog-metal until last year. By the way, I am not considering Seventh Wonder to be showing off, althougt they definately have the abilities :-)

Haha, I wouldn't really say Seventh Wonder is "show-offish" either, I just couldn't think of a better way to put it. Yngwie Malmsteen is show-offish. Seventh Wonder carefully orchestrates their showiness. Haken doesn't do as many lightning fast riffs, but their composition is really, REALLY good.
I live in Norway. Although I would like so myself, I probably won't be going to any ProgPower festival. With 3 kids, a wife, a busy job and a cat :-) I am having trouble making this happen.
But I am really hoping to catch a Circus Maximus consert here in Norway this year, after their new album is released. If I am lucky the Seventh Wonder comes back to Norway also? I thought it was a bit expensive traveling to Bodø for their latest concert. Although in the same country as I live in it is quite a travel. :-)
Also, I am jealous you're in Norway. The only hope I ever have of seeing any cool bands is if they come to Prog Power, except for Dream Theater. Who are extremely awesome. But Europe gets ALL the cool shows, haha. I've got 2 kids myself, a wife, 2 cats and a dog, but it's assumed I'm going to Prog Power every year because it's a tradition I started with two friends before I ever met my wife. But I can imagine it's hard to get your wife to let you go if you hadn't already had the tradition. :grin:
It is probably too late to tell my wife after twelve years that I have to go to ProgPower "because it's a tradition". Damnit! :-)
Sounds like a good tradition. Keep it up.
I am starting a new tradition right now: "I always go to at least one Seventh Wonder or Circus Maximus concert a year, if they are held only one flight away from home"! There, now I have written proof on the internets. :-)
It seems nobody told about Above Symmetry (formerly known as Aspera) or i am blind. Their sound is less symphonic than SW but there are many "dramatic" elements in their music...

Another one is Silent Call, especially their debut album, however they got too much slow tempo songs in my opinion...

I can recommend also second album of Silent Memorial. They sound a lot like Dream Theater (what can never be a shame).

Last but not least, you should give a chance to Sons Of Seasons as well.
Ohh, I love Haken! Saw them live at the Night Of The Prog Festival last year and was very, very impressed. Such young guys and so highly talented! And they seem to be super nice guys! My husband is going to see them again in Rüsselsheim and Pratteln on April 14th and 15th. Sadly I can't join him, because I decided to go see Seventh Wonder instead. Priorities, you know? Haha! :)

They truly are nice guys. For what it's worth, everyone at PP USA said great things about they guys in Seventh Wonder too. Their year was my first PP; had I known more I would have tried to sponsor SW.
Many great have been mentioned already, but i can add some as well.

Appearance Of Nothing - Both their albums "Wasted Time" and "All Gods Are Gone" are great listening.

Myrath - One of my favorite bands with 3 great albums.

Communic - One of the top prog metal bands from Norway.

Aeon Zen - Rich Hinks is a young extremely talented mastermind behind this band.

Magic Pie - Another Norwegian band which mix old school prog with more newer prog metal.

Threshold - Surprised no one have mentioned them yet....

Oceans Of Time - "New" band from Norway who's soon out with their debut album " Faces". The album is available on Spotify for those with access.

Not all of these are sound like SW, but for a prog "newbie" well worth checking out as well.

@Floftheim: Where in Norway are you located? :)
@Aran I am located in Ålesund.
Thanks for the band-reccommendations. Listening to Oceans Of Time right now. Prioritizing Norwegian bands first :-)
Oceans of Time was really cool. The chances for attending a great prog-metal concert i Norway this year is now even greater. Thanks :-)
Oceans of Time was really cool. The chances for attending a great prog-metal concert i Norway this year is now even greater. Thanks :-)

Cool, i like it a lot too. Just up my alley when it comes to prog metal. As far as i know there isn't much going on in Ålesund as far as prog metal concerts. At least the bands i like don't travel up there on the coast. It's kind of a dry spell now, but i'll have my SW fix in a couple of weeks going to Milan to see them there. :p
You are quite right that there isn't much prog metal going on here in Ålesund. Except for Circus Maximus recording drums their on Oceans Studions at Giske :-)
And maybe Oceans of Time to? Or was that an other Oceans Studios?

I'll probably have to travel to Oslo for concerts, but thats ok.
Seems like Oceans Of Times drummer is 20 years old Baard Kolstad.
He is some sort of world champions in drumming now.

Check this out:

And here he is playing some Seventh Wonder too:
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Check out Jarle H Olsen's (yep, another Norwegian) 2011-release; Quadrasonic. Been following this guy on youtube and other places for some time. Last year he released this album and finally I've managed to get ahold of it here (plus it's not been available on Spotify until recently). Instrumental guitar-oriented progressive'ish metal, without falling into the typical pitfalls of that "genre" (i.e. being BORING!). His Tony MacAlpine-influences are quite apparent, and this album still continues to grow in my ears. A great effort!

Couldn't see this guy mentioned in this thread, so here:

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The first band that comes to my mind for Prog Metal is Fates Warning (obviously. Ha!).

If you love Seventh Wonder as much as I do, then check out Mindflow, Vision Divine, Evergrey, Tarot, Silent Call (I think someone mentioned already), Moonlight Agony, Mob Rules, Eumeria, Cloudscape, Brainstorm, etc... LOL!

I'll be researching some of bands I've never heard of mentioned on this post too! Love having some new music!!
hu, guys check out new record from Dimension Act.... Manifestation Of Progress (or something.... :D). The vocals are just good but the instrumentals are great. :)
^Nice. All I could find were samples on itunes, and I agree about the music being better than the vocals. I'll consider getting it, but I'd rather be able to listen to a few full songs before I make a decision.