
Excellent show! PQ was great but didnt get to see a lot of Helloween as I was being quite a social animal that night :loco:

Good to talk to you again Steve and pass on my best to the other Steve as well! See you guys in March at Pagans Mind :D
Awesome show, sorry I didn't come and say hello Steve, I found you during Helloween and thought I'd say hello at the end, but you had gone by then!

Have to say Helloween were a bit disapointing....
Woo Hoo! *hyper*hyper*hyper*hyper*

Great show last night at Rios chaps! Awesome to see so many people singing along to all the words. You had the crowd eating out the palm of your hands.

Hope the rest of the tour goes as well and look forward to doing it all again next month :Spin:

(I thought Helloween were rather fab too, haven't seen em before last night so nothing to compare them to but they certainly did it for me).

*Hello* to Lisa & Chrissy too, nice to finally meet you both. :wave:
i thought the gig in bradford was amazing although i thought PQ sound wasnt the best at the start the vocals were very low in the mix but that soon sorted itself out, and Helloween were superb well worth the 12hr of coach travel.

set list from my awful memory

Power Quest
Ascension (Intro)
Find My Heaven
Wings Of Forever
Temple Of Fire
Sacred Land
Hold On To Love
Magic Never Dies

King For 1000 Years
Eagle Fly Free
Hell Was Made IN Heaven
Keeper Of The Seven Keys
A Tale That Wasnt Right
Drum Solo
Occasion Avenue
Mr Torture
If I could Fly
Guitar Duel
Future World
The Invisable Man
Mrs. God
I Want Out
Dr Stien

If I have forgot any then please post em thats the best i can remember :)
What a fantastic night!

I've seen you guys live before, but last night you were awesome. A great choice of setlist and a very good stage presence. I loved every song and also had a great view at the front to the left. I have a few pictures, but my camera phone is a bit crap... i'll see how they've turned out and post them if I think they're... alright.

I'm being truthful when I say I really thought you outplayed Helloween... while they were good, they did drag on a bit, wheras your setlist was short and sweet, not a dull moment! I think if it had been longer I would have still been captivated. The highlight for me had to be Temple of Fire, gotta love that one, oh and Hold onto Love :D

It was great to have a chat with Steve W and meet the band, a very friendly bunch!!

Shoutout to Tonberry who recognised me! Good to meet you too dude :D

Thoroughly enjoyable evening, see you at the Underworld ;)
Helloween just went on for too long. the begining of their set was good, but I found myself tempted to walk out towards the end of the set.

That was my third time over 3 years of seeing Power Quest live, and if i had to make a choice, i'd say that was the best I have seen the guys so far.

Don't think i'll ever get bored of seeing hold on to love live! :p

roll on march!
Screw you guys. I could have done with 3 more hours of helloween - I think I sung every single word. Seriously, that was one crazy-awesome gig. That's the biggest stage I've seen PQ play, and I really think they stepped up their act too. There were also a fair pecentage of people adorning PQ shirts too, and I'm sure you made some new fans that night too. Got some photos and a movie of Hold On To Love, although the microphone on my camera blows. I'll try to get them hosted; between PCs at the moment. For the mean time, I'll upload some snappy-snaps to another thread with imageshack or some other temp hosting.

Oh incase I didn't mention, that performace was 5/5, 10/10, 100% or whatever they rate things on now.

Thanks to everyone, and also thanks to all the Helloween guys, to all the Helloween crew and most of all to all our crew: Paul, Simon and guys rule!!!