Toms' special production


New Metal Member
Dec 22, 2008
Chambéry, FRANCE
Hi guys,

I'm working on a death/black album and the band is asking me for a toms sound like dissection 2nd album : storm of the light's bane

Any tips about this ??? I'm using S2.0 TMF on drums.
6 toms from left to right : 8' 10' 12' 13' 16' 18' Tama stuff on TMF.

I made 4 different versions but the band is not OK with that for the moment... So I ask for help...

Thank you
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Got a clip of what you have now? What exactly does the band not like about what you have going on now?
Other than the high toms, which I'm not much of a fan of, the others don't sound to bad. I think it would help if there was some more room on the kit, to glue things together. Also, try to get the tom mix a bit more balanced in terms of volume.

After listening a few times, it almost seems like all of the toms are "tuned"/pitched too high.
You should try more reverb on the toms. Black metal needs tom reverb
Bands often can't explain theirselves. maybe its just that they are missing.
but I agree, the high tom is a bit annoying and very high pitched. why does the drummer have 6 toms anyway...
I know what you mean for the too much high tuned toms, but that's what the band wants. My 2 firsts versions were not with these samples and they asked for higher toms. This is already a compromise version to avoid to go higher than that !!! Don't ask me why there are 6 toms, the drumkit tracked was in this configuration and I have 6 tracks of toms...

I think i must work on the reverb, so if you have tips/infos on settings to get close to Dissection, it will be awesome !!!

Thank you
Besides lack/not enough reverb I'd say you should humanize the toms a bit, I mean velocity-wise, because as for now on the "intro" part you can hear it's drum machine from a mile away
I know what you mean for the too much high tuned toms, but that's what the band wants. My 2 firsts versions were not with these samples and they asked for higher toms. This is already a compromise version to avoid to go higher than that !!! Don't ask me why there are 6 toms, the drumkit tracked was in this configuration and I have 6 tracks of toms...

I think i must work on the reverb, so if you have tips/infos on settings to get close to Dissection, it will be awesome !!!

Thank you

A little advice (trying not to sound like an ass when I say this, so please bare with me): Bands usually don't know what they want/what will sound good in the end with a production. I've encountered this from the most basic local band to the couple bigger bands I've worked with. Go with what you trust - your ears. Explain to them that the end product is the most important, not each individual instrument. Everything has to work together, and sometimes that means individual instruments wont sound "amazing" or "brutal" on their own.
No pb... But in this case, the leader of the band is a producer who wants another person to mix his project... So he knows (much better than me in this case !!!) what he wants, and if it could be OK or not... The mix seems to be OK, but we're working toms a lot to achieve what he wants (Dissection type sound)...