Tone? 6505+ 112 DI with impulses (very short and sloppy double tracking)


Feb 29, 2012
So - Nothing too fancy, I've been working on some impulse blending with lePou and wanted some fresh ears, 'cause either this is utter crap, overbloated everything or actually 'alright'..
I've been doing this recording stuff for a couple of weekends now, - guess I got a lot to learn yet.

This is a blend of 3 impulses, with only slight LP/HP filter in the EQ

Thought it lacked a little low-mid(250-500ish) so tried to load a 4th impulse and LP/HP'ing it to focus on the 250-500 area - dunno if it's better or worse, I think I've destroyed my ears in the meantime..

I know I need to cut a lot of bass away as soon as I start getting the bass and drums in, and something around the 3khz area when doing vocals too, but I read somewhere that it's better to have too much than too little to begin with..

Anyway - How can I improve this?
.. I've tried everything to improve the gain-structure, it's like there is a somewhat 'unwanted' distortion going on, and I know my mixing skills sucks, but no EQ nor amp-dialing could get rid of it - and same 'unwanted' distortion was present when plugging the head straight into a 1x12 eminence governor (v30 with tad less mids)

Kind regards - Christian
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I would lower your HP filter and/or do some strategic cuts to get rid of some high fizziness.

That fourth one does help, by the way.
I would lower your HP filter and/or do some strategic cuts to get rid of some high fizziness.

That fourth one does help, by the way.

I'll try that - is it really that fizzy? - my ears must be damaged..

In which way lowering? - Getting more bass, or turning it even more down?

sorry for my inferior understanding :)

Hmm - Maybe is this better? - I lowered around 5khz and tried to adjust the bass a little - Isn't a little unclear now? Or was it just me being used to the high-fizz stuff?

Also, just screen-capped my EQ to show it, if it helps in any way..

(btw, I -am- mixing in reaper, not FL - I just liked the plugin) :)

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I have a feeling this will mesh a lot more when you put it into a mix.

Hmm, really? - I do hope so, but haven't done much full-mix recording yet (next to nothing) - What characterizes a guitar tone to be good or bad in the mix (except for mids?)

Kind regards
It's my opinion that one should never mix solo.
You should always mix with the rest of the instruments playing.

For example: say you have a really punchy snare that you boosted at 250hz to make it sound really fat.

You also have a really chunky guitar tone boosted at 250hz to make it sound fat.

Alone, these tones sound fine, but together, there's going to be a huge amount of clashing from the large amounts of 250hz.

Get my drift?