Tone shootout... what do you think?

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey guys, trying to decide on a tone for a record I'm currently working on...

I've got two cabs both loaded with v30's, but the sounds are completely different. Take a listen & let me know which you prefer.


Tone1, thicker, more ballsy, not as grainy in the top end.

Agreed - also the guitars are too scooped sounding for me, they feel kinda weak and low in volume yet the fizz is at the proper volume, suggesting a frequency imbalance rather than an overall level issue. I don't suppose you'll tell us which cab is which yet, but perhaps what the two cabs are?

Drums and bass sound fantastic btw!
The first one sounds great after a few small cuts (aprox. 600hz 800hz 1200hz). The second one just needs a cut around 700hz but is a bit more grainy.

Not much help, right :) I guess either way it will sound good. Again, great work, overall. :headbang:
i like tone 1 better. They both sound great and leave a great feeling of space in the mix. I'm starting to tire slightly of guitar sounds that fill up all the frequencies in the mix to bursting point
i like tone 1 better. They both sound great and leave a great feeling of space in the mix. I'm starting to tire slightly of guitar sounds that fill up all the frequencies in the mix to bursting point

Hmm, I see the logic in that and recognize that I'm very inexperienced when it comes to working with full mixes, but would you consider Devildriver's "The Last Kind Words" to "fill up all the frequencies in the mix to bursting point"? Cuz man is that tone growing on me; there's a certain character to it I still don't quite like, but as far as the frequency balance goes, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK :worship:
Thanks guys,

Both clips are a dual 57 on/off axis mix of my trusty 5150.

Tone 1 is a Madison Divinity 4X12... the band has a "player's package" deal with Madison amps & I'm pretty impressed with the cab.

Tone 2 is my Mesa cab.
Hey, it'll take more than one clip by more than one person to prove to me that the Madison is better, and I know I'm loving my Mesa and most of the tones I've heard recorded with 'em! ;)
I'm going against the grain here to say I prefer Tone 2 on this one. I can see what everyone likes about Tone 1, but I still like 2 better. Sounds more ballsy and fits with the bass better IMO.
Having said that, I think it would be a fairer comparison if Tone 1 was mixed with the guitars louder, cos the snare just pops right out of the mix with such a scooped tone.
I'll second that, Dan, and throw down for #2 also. Sounds fuller and more edgy to me. I'm thinking the only reason people liked #1 is because it was mixed/dialed in differently. #1 sounds like it's playing through a telephone speaker or something. It seats the tone EXACTLY where I hate - those flat mids. #2 in contrast wants to pop out of the speakers and rip your arse out.
Hmm, I see the logic in that and recognize that I'm very inexperienced when it comes to working with full mixes, but would you consider Devildriver's "The Last Kind Words" to "fill up all the frequencies in the mix to bursting point"? Cuz man is that tone growing on me; there's a certain character to it I still don't quite like, but as far as the frequency balance goes, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK :worship:

just took a listen to that on spotify.....that is an awesome tone, i agree.

The only things i can hear wrong is there's a sortof smooth area in the upper mids that sould be grinding and biting but is just sliding around .

As far as space in the mix is concerned i'd say that it's pretty good at leaving some space in the mix. I'm not sure really, i've only just woken up and my mind isn't working perfect yet :p