Tone Tester. KsE clips

Really excellent guitars. I think you nailed a particularly in flames vibe with that lead part, I dont know that tune, maybe its a KSE song too :p Here is a question- what modifaction have you had done to the amp? And how hot is it biased?

Its a 5150 combo modded into a head. With all JJ tubes.....bias is stock, however....ive read the combos are biased hotter.
i have to say it again...fucking AWESOME tone :kickass:

Could you post just the guitars? PLEASE (and if possible rhythm and lead separately)

i would really like to have it as a reference tone
How loud was the amp (master and channel)?

The amp was on 3 (not oclock) post gain and 3 on pregain

i have to say it again...fucking AWESOME tone :kickass:

Could you post just the guitars? PLEASE (and if possible rhythm and lead separately)

i would really like to have it as a reference tone

Yea dude, im headed to work now for 24 hours....i will post it up tomorrow.
I have to agree - this is some INSANE tone. Awesome stuff.

Nice tone! That's with an Avatar cab? Also, pardon my ignorance...but what the hell is an Edwards LPC? I assume it's some kind of copy Les Paul?
this tone is really fucking good. What the advantage of removing the transformer from the sm57 tho?