Toneport UX8..?


Power Quest
Feb 16, 2003
My Delta 1010 finally gave up the ghost after 10 years of sterling service. Looking round for something that will be OK for a project studio, and I like the look of the UX8. Don't need that much IO, but I want it rackmounted. I like the idea of the guitar/bass input for quick demo stuff.

Anyone got this or used it?

Bit concerned that Interface is USB rather than Firewire, but presumably it would be OK for 1 or 2 channel recording?
It's not that they are bad, they aren't, cos I think you can use POD Farm with these like other Line 6 stuff and that sounds great IMO, it's just that for a USB interface, it costs too much. Not sure what they cost where you are, I just know in Australia you can easily get firewire interfaces that cost even less than these.
FWIW, I don't think the Toneport UX1 is any good for recording at all. I thought it was general concensus that Line 6 stuff used for soundcards is generally never going to give good results? Unless the UX8 is different It certainly looks nicer ;)
IMHO the toneport series are...meh - like i have a ux1 & 2 and well they feel cheap, light and crappy - i dont really like the tonality of the gearbox software (dont know about pod farm or whatever the new version is called) but i just find it hard to dial in a good organic OD saturated tone in gearbox. on that note it can produce some very nice clean tones - works great with amplitube's amps, guitar rig's amps (which hate) and well anything else i use - good almost latency free machinery.

yay - its cheapish and nice clean tones
boo - crap software for gain & it feels cheap as fuck

im sure there are others on the market you could invest in that could produce the same results at a cheaper price (ie: no gearbox software) and maybe they would be a little more rigid too.
i have a UX8.

in windows they're great, i love mine a lot. free pod farm, and 8 ins and outs. no MIDI, that sucks. but over all, pretty damn good. i paid £300, and i think it was a good deal.

however, if you plan on using it with a mac.. at least i find, that the audio driver is pretty unstable, and you can get weird things happening to pod farm. right now mine is sat here unplugged because normal audio playback ranges from fine to really weird (sort of like ring-modulation). i do a lot of work in windows though, so it's not so much of an issue for me..!

maybe line 6 will fix it one day.. haha.

i never had a problem with my ux1 and ux2 drivers on my smackbook - its running osx 10.5 - gig of ram, core 2 duo - why whats your problems with the drivers?