fuck line 6.

haha, it is confusing as hell!

the sapphire 40/56 both look really good.. question really is, what's in the 56 that justifies the near double price increase?


NO and the virtual room simulation is a piece of shit. Get 2 pro 40s and be happy. I had the 56 for about 3 days and was like fuck this. So I just got a single 40 and have never been happier.
Aye these are the bloody annoying things that arise in the mac world all too often for my liking, its nobody's fault really I guess, its just something that's being worked towards slowly but surely. I've tried a couple of times with snow leopard, but it eventually grinds me down for those reasons. That 12 core is such a monster though dude.

I've still got the 56 (must have been running it for about a year and a half by now), and it is an awesome interface. I agree there is cash to be saved by getting the 40, but hey this one has more lights you know. It only goes down to 64 samples, which gives me 1.9ms in and 3.9ms out, whether I use a 64 bit or 32 bit DAW. I approached Andy Poole at focusrite about it, and he said that as they refine the drivers they will very likely include the setting.
What I'm pointing at is just down to the market share of the systems really Jeff, windows is always gonna be priority no.1 in driver development for companys as you know (slightly less so in the audio niche with more professionally targetted interfaces) and I want as easy computing life I can get. Not a direct problem at all with macs of course, but the issue is still there until apple get a bit more traction over the next few years.
kev is right to an extent, macs don't have the same market share in general as PCs, but for recording, i'd of imagined that it'd be on par?

anyways, i've decided to get a sapphire pro 40, and maybe get another one at a later date (you can run 2 at once, yea?)

as for now, it's booting in 32 bit mode, and 128 samples will just have to do.. :|

kev is right to an extent, macs don't have the same market share in general as PCs, but for recording, i'd of imagined that it'd be on par?p

Actually no. In the professional sphere, Macs are typically used more often. But in the hobbyist and semi-professional spheres, PC's are used much more than Macs due to cost.

anyways, i've decided to get a sapphire pro 40, and maybe get another one at a later date (you can run 2 at once, yea?)

Good choice on the Sapphire. I've been thinking of picking one up in the future so I can have 16 simultaneous inputs. At the moment I use a 002 slaved to my Profire 2626 via adat whenever I want 16 inputs, but it only has four mic pre's.