Tonight: Ass stabings


Mar 9, 2011
Tonight was a fucked up night.

Recently, one of my band mates was seeing a girl for the past few weeks. He was still hung up over his ex-gf, so naturally things kinda fell through. She admitted to me that she had a crush on me.
I was pretty much freakin over that because it was a hard decision there, because she's gorgeous. Not 30 minutes later, a game of quarters is going on. Someone broke a double shot glass. No big deal, because I have plenty of shot glasses. Being a good host, i get up to get a different shot glass to play quarters with. Luckily, my guests had me covered. They already found a new shot glass. Unfortunate for me, somebody decided to put the broken shot glass on my chair. I just spent the last hour in the ER getting a 2 inch stab wound on my ass getting 5 stitches.
anyone got some similar stories?
If not, just enjoy my misfortune.
Because I know I laughed at how ridiculous it was.
It wasn't on purpose. all the of people over were my friends. I probably deserved it after throwing a cat across the street while drunk on thursday.
:lol: I hope you get better man. And it can't have been not on purpose, it's probably just the person doing it was too drunk to imagine the consequences.
My friend's dad is quite a senior doctor in London, and he was telling us that gangs have started to try and stab people directly in the anus.
The reason being that the victim has to have a colostomy.