tonight is the first night of my month of graveyard shift

dude i'm so hung over i can hardly work without my sunglasses on. i never get hangovers either so i'm sort of standing in a mixture of shock and chagrin right now.
I get to go home in 10 hours. two days at home and then back to the grind again!

my wife reminded me of the sad fact that, since our move to Oly 6 weeks ago, I have been home a total of just over 2 weeks. That's fucked up.
I missed the pet parade, but made it downtown for the afterparty. cute kids with pets in matching costumes EVERYWHERE! cuteness abounds!

also: on my flight back to oakland I got bumped to first class. I have no idea why, but I'm not one to question it. Too bad I couldn't really enjoy it - first class for a two hour flight isn't that exciting. "oooh! my coffee comes in a REAL coffee mug! OMG!"
why the f is oakland airport so far from everything? why do cities always do that so it's like $70 to catch a cab anywhere? *hate* that. did you take pics at the pet parade?
no, no pics. like I said, I missed the actual parade and the aftermath was kind of a mess and I didn't feel like being nosey-photographer-guy. I'd much rather pet puppies.
they are working on the roof of the apartment building in which I am residing in. My apartment is on the top floor and the whole places was shaking violently. I stayed up reading and eventually fell asleep around noon after being awake for something like 30 hours.
the extended week is a go. that's good and bad I suppose. I can definitely use the money.

tonight I went to see Shellac and had to leave early for the office. normally being on time wouldn't be such a big deal, but I actually had WORK tonight! wtf?!
my old job offered me a remote position doing "product support" which is essentially coding and other techy kinds of stuff. so now I make even more money and get to work from home. fucking STOKED!

nick- this means I can afford to go forward with my next comp so if you are still up to do the artwork, it might not be a bad idea to get started.