Too little sleep, too many beers - Here's a Song!


One of the Ancients of UM
I wasn't originally going to post this... but what the hell! Here's a example of what happens when you take away my acoustic guitar, put my Ibanez in my hands, let me pick out a drum loop, give way to complete insanity, and let me improv one pass each on two different guitar tracks.

Download my best possible impersination of Buckethead here.

Mind you, this was just for fun. I didn't take this seriously at all, so please do like-wise.

:lol: I take it this isn’t like your other work, which I still cannot download for some reason :mad:
Well, I certainly didn't expect a positive reaction to this thing. It was just a piece I did for fun. Here's how it happened: As some of you may know, I'm recording a album at the moment. Things are finally going very well. Only two more songs to get recorded! Anyway, I'm working on this at Rock Arbor Studio in Las Casass, TN, with producer Stephen Bigger. He has been working, also, on some tracks for commercial/TV theme work. He wanted me to bring my electric guitar over,(I play acoustic, if you didn't already know) and cut some guitar parts for the stuff he's working on. Something a bit Metal, if you will. So, after we got a album track down, I hooked-up my rig and plugged in my Ibanez and cut what he wanted. We still had about 45 minutes left to the session afterwards. So, I decided to do something for myself on electric since I don't get the chance to do so very often.

We cycled through a bunch of drum loops and I picked this one. I wanted to do something in the style of Buckethead, just to see if I could do that sort of thing. I did one pass each on the rhythm and lead tracks and made it all up as I went along. I took the raw tracks back home to Stuffy Room Studio,(at my house, where I mix all my stuff) and worked out a rough mix. Tonight, I decided to give it a better mix and see if it would be any better than the initial sound. Several drinks and a hour later, here's the finished product! That's about it.

Leads remind me of SWTA era satriani...
Well, that's my era! Satriani and Vai were my biggest influences during my formative years and SWTA was the album that got me into playing seriously. I take that as a major compliment!

I take it this isn’t like your other work, which I still cannot download for some reason
No, not at all. Much better than this stuff!:) PM me and we'll figure out a way for you to d'load some of my real stuff.

your neighbors must love you, haha.
Actually, since I record elsewhere, it's not a factor. My neighbors are actually surprised at how quiet I am for a musician.:D