A song i wrote, have a listen please?!

Did you play the instruments yourself?
This song is completely me. All instruments played by me and everything written by me. Drums are obviously programmed like i said, but i still wrote them all, and like Misanthrope said I'm not a drummer so most of that stuff isnt perfect but i just aim to create the right feel with drums, and then i randomly place tom rolls and cymbals around and do some weird things to make them more interesting, but its pure luck.

Im also surprise of the cuality of the sound for a computer recorded song what hardware/software you used?
CoolEdit Pro for the multitracking and recording guitar. Cubase VST for the drum programming. My soundcard is the cheapest one i could get, something shitty, i just record into the 'mic' input. The effects pedal i used for this song is a Boss ME-30.. not the best but it does some things good.

YaYoGakk: Hey this was a really nice song....great quality...you have great phrasing i must say....and intresting melody lines...yet there are some places of the song you should work a little bit more on...somewhere after the middle of the song...the music becomes less thought through but maybe thats the part you referred to as "few more solos thrown in for interest value". I totally love how the song ends with the catchy fading melody....excellent
The acoustic solo is meant to be there, the lead bits that extend a riff are meant to be there, but the other distorted solos are improvised and added for interest value. But all the riffs underneath are meant to be there.
The riff from 2:23 - 2:44 was the last riff added to the song, it was less thought out but thats really the only one. So it'd be great if you or someone else could tell me which bits sound less thought through?
The theme change at about 4:56 is less thought out and im not entirely happy with it. But everything thereafter flows as intended. Are these the things you refer to?
Actually come to think of it the focus of the song changes for the middle passage, thats where the main singing portion should be, whereas the rest of the song is more focused on the guitars.

And thanks to everyone for the nice comments! :)

And about the Hi-Hat.... is it just to loud? or do i need to find a new wav sample of a better hi-hat sound? and is it only the closed hi-hat sound thats the problem?
Originally posted by Oyo
Honestly, very nice work, keep it up, i'm not a musician so I can't tell you what to change.

I'll critisize ya, other than the comedic value of Hammering Moss (which is pretty damn high), it's not good, it's just like a bunch of crazy stuff thrown together, which it seems is your intention.

Exactly. But I do have the intention to create serious music. Though I lack the skill at present. I have some old serious stuff that I recorded, but I have no way of sharing it with anyone.

But we all play guitar in hammering moss, and we three are great friends, and all love music, so it is inevitable that eventually, we will be recording music.

Meanwhile, I stuggle ever so slowly with my guitar. I wish siomeone could make me good.

I get lessons, but i've been learning for like 6 months now, and I can't even do a power chord. Or play the most basic classical peice. I wouldn't even be able to play along to a nu metal song..
What program did you use for the drum programming? Cakewalk?

I think the problem with the hi-hat is that normally when it is played like that it doesnt sound so seperate...it often kind of melds into each other. You know what I mean??

Otherwise, I loved it...I also wouldn't mind trying out some vocals, I don't growl or scream, just clean vocals.
What program did you use for the drum programming? Cakewalk?
Cubase VST for the drum programming.

good point on the hi-hats, maybe it means i just need a softer hihat sound? i shall look into it, ive got hundreds of wav's of different hi-hats ive downloaded so maybe i can find something more suitable.
Originally posted by Oyo
Even if you didn't have music, and all your links are dead (They are almost all dead now, btw), the fucking penguin in the bandpics makes it all worth it :lol: That thing cracked me up so much. I figured you were just joking around, but it seemed like you took the band SO seriously, and I didn't want to say anything in case you really did, shew :p

We are serious in an non serious way i spose.

And I'm sorry for all the dead links.

We are putting all of our resources into finding a host for our music, and IT IS SO FUCKING HARD!! AND NOTHING WORKS AnD EVERYTHING is ghey..

once we get it fixxed.. you'll know about it.. =))))
dum de dum de dum

new song:
Calm (400K)
Written and recorded last night, just a little one guitar classical piece.
If your still interested then see what you think. But this one i dont need analysis on, purely for your enjoyment.
I meant to add my impressions sooner but I've been a bit busy the past couple of days. Sorry.

Good structure, nice layering, and very well-thought. I like! The only thing I'd change is the flange on the clean guitar that shows up from time to time. I would have gone with a light chorus. Then again, I've never been a big fan of flange or phasing unless done in the extreme Van Halen "Unchained" way.

Other than that, great stuff! You're a very talented player and composer. Your band is lucky to have you!:)
I meant to add my impressions sooner but I've been a bit busy the past couple of days. Sorry.

Good structure, nice layering, and very well-thought. I like! The only thing I'd change is the flange on the clean guitar that shows up from time to time. I would have gone with a light chorus. Then again, I've never been a big fan of flange or phasing unless done in the extreme Van Halen "Unchained" way.

Other than that, great stuff! You're a very talented player and composer. Your band is lucky to have you!
Yeh most of the main riffs are doubled, one guitar with flange is in the left speaker, the other clean guitar without flange is in the right... and yeh i think the flanged guitar is louder than the unflanged, so valid points. I didnt put much effort into making effects to use for the song because its not my pedal, but ill try a chorus next time and see what i think.

thanks for the listen and analysis!!
Hey, this is really beautiful! I'm amazed. I love the "Calm" one even better; the soloing in "Softly" has this wonderful subdued feeling and most importantly, injects an important dose of life and fluidity into the arrangement. The piece moves nicely from beginning to end, takes some time to get into due to all the details at the right places, and you seem to have true freedom with all the 5/4 rhythms, which is great too.

Now some critical points (which you may ignore of course - the criticisms are based on my personal tastes and not objective faults). I thought the places where the main riff goes on without any solos needed something - either some embellishment, or the opposite: less rhythmic steadiness and looser picking patterns, played subtly and with more expression/understatement before leading into the more rhythmic parts where the solos begin. The Opeth-ballad drumming style, while written professionally and with care toward details, also tends to square things up (if this phrase means something): I'd prefer a looser drumming style for this song, with less metal influence (no double-bass fills, no speedy hi-hat runs, more diversity with snare accents and looser syncopation - less focus on a steady "beat"-pattern) - the same thing I'd say about the drumming of Lopez in Opeth's mellow parts, so if you have no problem with Lopez, ignore this. But these are minor things. You're a true talent, and from now on I'll be downloading every song that you record.

Now, what do you think about recording a whole album of similar stuff? Because these two songs are completely on the high level of the best "name"-bands and your album, if the quality would be kept consistent with what you've already displayed, would be better than 95% of the stuff that is released right now in the rock/metal scene.

BTW, how long have you been writing music, and how many songs have you written before?

D Mullholand

PS. And if you ever need keyboards/orchestration for your songs, contact me!
WOW! All I can say is --> MAY I GET MORE!!!?!!? :eek:)

I really like what I hear! I'm not a musician so I can't
give any criticism in the way that some of these
other people here have... All I know is that "Softly"
makes me feel something :eek:)

I hate drum-machines, but I can ignore it as long as
the music is this good :eek:)

MORE! MORE! MORE! *Stomping feet* :eek:)
Really nice songs man! I have to ask, what are your influences? Vai, is obvious from your name but I could swear I hear some Fates Warning influence in Softly but I could be wrong... Keep up the good work...
