Too much metal?

Décadent said:
Liking one song doesn't equate to being a metal fan, and so it's completely irrelevant to this - or any - argument.
Yes but you not comprehending my post is inherently relevant to getting the point.
Anyone and everyone can find atleast one metal band that they enjoy with extreme passion. This can not be said for most other major genres of music IMO.

it can be said for pretty much all of them IMO
I think there have been excellent releases every year and there always will be. If your favorite band has a bad release one year maybe it is time to go and check more obscure bands with releases in the same year to expand your vision of the genre.
DeadWinterDay said:
There can never be too much metal.

If there were only say 300 releases per year the genre would not be constantly evolving as it is today.

Anyone and everyone can find atleast one metal band that they enjoy with extreme passion. This can not be said for most other major genres of music IMO.

The albums would probably me more quality if there was less. It seems easier for bands to get signed and release something for there first record on a decent sized label.
DeadWinterDay said:
I've gotten various people who previously only listen to rap/hip hop and other mainstream crap into bands such as Green Carnation or Forseti, and a very large % dig Opeth/Agalloch.

Metal has everything, you can't just think of what is on top when you read what I posted. Obviously you can't get everyone into death metal and what not but there is SOMETHING out there for everyone. And I'm not tlaking like favorite band status, I just mean they enjoy the music the band has to offer, even if it's just one song that isn't the norm by that band that gets them into it, they usually want to hear more and when they discover that the band produces something they did not excpet it doesn't always deter them because they already know the band has an aspect they like. So they listen to it, and sometimes they end up liking it. An example being have someone listen to a song off of Damnation, then have them listen to another song that includes many slower parts but some heavy parts as well.

Yes. And Opeth, Green Carnation and Agalloch are 100% metal, aren't they? Ask those people what they like about those bands and i'm betting they won't mention ANYTHING to do with metal. What you're doing is not, as you say, "getting people into metal" but rather changing metal's definition to include mainstream mentality and cute acoustic parts.
Well there definitely isn't anything wrong with a cute acoustic part every once and while in a progressive metal song but it does stretch the limits of the band's "metal-ality". But it depends on the listeners point of view and the way the music is done.
I assure you that my mother is not a Metal fan, but she enjoys Agalloch at times.
Krigloch hates Tape Nuts said:
everything after 96 is terrible. /erik

theres tons of good metal releases. '06 has been a great year

I wouldnt call this a great year, by any sense of the meaning. There's been some good releases, but ten years ago was a better year.

Yes, I think there's too many metal releases - which means that potentially good releases on small labels are being passed by, due to the difficulty in shining out against an unstoppable wave of dross.

We could do with a BM v DM drive by bust-a-cap war a la rap to get rid of some of the dross, push up poster sales etc.:kickass:
I, for one, have no idea, but the thought in my mind of Frank Mullen shooting Abbath as he drives through the snowy hills of Norway is just too awesome for me not to support the cause of.
cookiecutter said:
Who do you think would win that one?
Well, BM would win because all the DM bands would be busy trying to think of intricate and original ways to kill every person, then write songs about it, and take pics for cover art.
DeadWinterDay said:
Well, BM would win because all the DM bands would be busy trying to think of intricate and original ways to kill every person, then write songs about it, and take pics for cover art.

..whereas the BM crowd would be too busy putting their make up and tight leather trousers on to be able to shoot back, the poofs.