too much variation on WCFYA???


Apr 25, 2002
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what are your thoughts?
does it skip around too much from style to style, to your liking?
personally i think the album is great on 2nd listen.
but i would have substituted the weaker 'rock' songs for more heavier ones.

don't most of thrax's albums have a 'mood' that follows through the whole record (POT especially). but on WCFYA it seems like they really wanted to have a mix of everything...

hope i'm making sense, time for sleep........
it took a few listens to me max getting better with every listen,i thinks its the freshest sounding album they have.

us metal fans are a hard bunch to please,it wouldnt matter what they done,if they had went and made an among the living replica fans would say they are to milk past glories and if they sound to modern they are selling out,they cant win over everyone.
There is some filler: "Strap It On," "Anyplace But Here," and "Refuse to be Denied" don't too much for me, but there are only a handful of albums that contain no filler. And this "filler" is better than most bands A - sides. But those 3 tunes are ones I skip. For that reason, I may be changing my tune and saying that this album isn't quite in the same league as SoWN or Stomp, because I don't skip any songs on those.
i kinda wish they'd just made a shorter album than having filled out the album with boring songs.

a lot of the songs sound the same aswell. the heavy riff rythmic stuff. they should bring back the fast songs!
This album has as much variation as Attack of the Killer B's!

Ty, where does Vol. 8 rank on your totem pole. I know it was my favorite at one point, especially right after it came out, but I've started to think maybe I like SoWN more. Not sure where to place WCFYA yet.
I was thinking this album jumps around bewteen styles a lot, and all I have is the promo (plus refuse to be denied)! I was thinking "I hope the rest of the album has a more cohesive feel to it". I'd rather have a nice flowing album like ATL or SOE personally.
First of all, I'm in the same boat as Ron right now, so I only have the promo tracks. But I'd suggest to all of you to hold off from rating it, calling it their best album ever, their worst album ever, their third best, or whatever. Digest it a bit. I've heard many albums that I thought were great at first, but got bored of them after a couple weeks, and now rarely listen to them. Others I didn't think they were anything special at first, but have grown on me and still get listened to regularly to this day (Stomp 442 is a good example).

A great album is one that stands the test of time. So before you figure out where WCFYA stands, digest it a bit, and don't jump to any conclusions, good or bad, until you've had a chance to let it sink in.
Originally posted by jdelpi
This album has as much variation as Attack of the Killer B's!

Ty, where does Vol. 8 rank on your totem pole. I know it was my favorite at one point, especially right after it came out, but I've started to think maybe I like SoWN more. Not sure where to place WCFYA yet.

When Vol. 8 was released it was above SoWN and Stomp, but now it is a close third - too many fillers, and too many songs that are just there to be there. WCFYA sounds like a better written, better produced, more cohesive version of Vol. 8 so I do like it better. SoWN is their best, Stomp is thier heaviest (during the Bush years). Vol. 8 will stick with me though - I was coming off some shitty personal relationships and it felt like "Catharsis" and "Harm's Way" were written for me. I also saw the band 5 or 6 times in 1998.
Originally posted by TD
When Vol. 8 was released it was above SoWN and Stomp, but now it is a close third - too many fillers, and too many songs that are just there to be there. WCFYA sounds like a better written, better produced, more cohesive version of Vol. 8 so I do like it better. SoWN is their best, Stomp is thier heaviest (during the Bush years). Vol. 8 will stick with me though - I was coming off some shitty personal relationships and it felt like "Catharsis" and "Harm's Way" were written for me. I also saw the band 5 or 6 times in 1998.

What is filler to you on Vol. 8? Obviously "cupajoe" and "604" are not serious songs. "Piss N Vinegar" wasn't that great, and although I didn't mind it on the album, "Toast..." should have never been played live.
For some reason, I forgot about toast. I never liked that one. I can see why they released Safe Home as the single. For one, the verse lines are in a lower register. Makes it easier for Bush to sing live. The back up singing is easier for Bello. Also, everyone is saying that Superhero should have been the singe but it has such a different vibe live than it does on the album. Anthrax are a great live band but Superhero sounds so much betther on the album.