Took a 6 month break

Flow Of Time

Oct 6, 2012
I didn't make progress for a long time and decided to take a break about a half a year ago. I listened to a lot of music during that time, worked on my vocals and grasped some good tipps on the forum, although I didn't try them out back then.

Here's my first real output after that break:

Sorry for the shitty lyrics, the bleagh and the whiny ass voice…

Anyway, I guess pausing helped me a lot to rethink, how to approach mixing. I think I was more experimental on this one, and finally really tried a "less is more" approach.

Any feedback is appreciated by the way :D
I cannot listen right now but I can tell you that I 100% beleive in breaks. Playing-wise, I think it's a double cutting edge because you lose stamina and whatnot, however your mind is somewhat restored/inspired/breathing after being exposed to other things than music and/or other styles. I was on a break myself for a few months, listening more to things like jazz and focusing on school. I have to work on a project again which I didn't touch since March, and I feel more ready than ever, although by the middle of april I was having a syncope or something.

Anyway, my 2 cents on breaks. Will listen later