So I had a go @ Guitar Hero

fine.... insert song of choice here instead of Back in Black. I just said that one cuz that was the song they used on all their early commercials for the game i think

the main issue is a push for an amendment to the constitution where we institute public beatings for such things
Oh i got really pissed off when I first tried guitar hero. I tried to play a song I could play on a real guitar and failed.

The best advice is to start a career on the game and start from the beginning. Its like any other game, you start out shit then get the hang of it and get better. I can play the the more challenging songs on medium. I've decided if I started practicing at guitar hero to get good enough to playing songs on hard or expert I would be wasting my time. I see no point in playing this game on expert when I could be practicing on my real guitar or writing a new song. I think the last time I played guitar hero world tour was at my friend's birthday party while I was super drunk. Its a party game, if you play on expert at a party you're just show-boating. But yeah I don't play the game any higher than medium.
...I see the "notes" coming down the neck and all but I keep trying to play the guitar track. A lot of it has nothing to do with what's going on in terms of tempo/staying on beat or what not...

Not entirely true, If you look closely the horizontal frets on the fretboard that come down is actually the grid and tempo (click track). That's why the notes are normally on the frets if it's on a count, and in between if 8ths, 16ths, triplets etc.

Other times when there's an you're on your own unless you know the song :).

But it does become more faithful to the song when you play on a higher level but it gets harder.

GH world Record:
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Anyone ever played real guitar hero?

Real guitar + amp... Guitar pro 5 with guitar track muted and play sightreading :D

It's cool if you're hanging out with real musicians...
it was fun playing the demo at game crazy. I wasn't half bad, I had it on really easy levels. you won't catch me wasting real money on a fake guitar though.
My roommates bought Guitar Hero: Metallica...

Why is it that the video game manufacturers can make audio sound awesomer than the audio engineers?


These tracks sound awesome!

also, I can actually hear the bass...

btw, I slay on guitar, never play lower than expert and I'm always scoring at least 95%... woot.