Tool/Tomahawk 08/31/02 USBank Arena, Cincy, OH


The US Bank Arena housed the Tool/Tomahawk bill last night. The US Bank Arena used to be (and will always be in 99.9% of Ohioans minds) as the Riverfront Coliseum. The same venue where those unfortunate souls met thier tragic and untimely death at a Who concert in 1979. It was very ironic that the same week I saw the Who, I went thru the very doors where that shit happened........the same girl went with me to both shows, she was really wigged about something bad happening. It didn't.

Tomahawk: I passed up FNM at least one time that I remember, always thinking "they'll be back next year..." damn shame. Glad I got to see Patton live in one form or another, but if he would rather be in Tomahawk than FNM, than he is a loon. I have the CD, and I have seen the show. It is good, because it is Patton, but it is second rate FNM. It is like comparing Battlestar Galactica to Star Wars.........

Tool. Great show. BUt if you go, get tix/seats in the back or sides of the venue. This show isn't a chant along roaring show like KISS or AC/DC, nor is it a moshing show like Slayer or Anthrax. It is a show to grab a cold beer, smoke a spliff, and enjoy. We were down front, and several times people wanted to sit down just to relax. THe tool show is more like seeing a heavy metal "stomp" It is hard to explain, it is worth seeing, but not something to go gaga over. Mike Patton came out and did an extended (liek 20minutes extended) jam with them. Great stuff. Different kind of vibe than any other show I've ever been too. I do recomend it, but like I said, chill out in the back.
Originally posted by TD
It is good, because it is Patton, but it is second rate FNM. It is like comparing Battlestar Galactica to Star Wars...
Excellent analogy. I totally agree.

I missed almost all of the Tomahawk set because I forgot the tickets in my car... which was 40 miles away. Doh! So we had to go back for them. But Tool fuckin rocked as usual.
How was the crowd reception towards Tomahawk?

I saw Tool last year with Fantômas and the crowd wasn't digging it. A bunch of kids were booing & throwing shit for them to get off stage.

I don't think they realized that they were booing one of the greatest Thrash drummers of all time....