

Ultimate-Guitar Reviewer
Apr 24, 2006
Easily my favourite band ever. I'm pretty damn obsessed. I've written reviews and interpretations of a lot of their stuff, I do photoshop art of them.....

Plus they own ass live and on record.
I enjoy Tool releases up until Lateralus. 10,000 Days, which I thought was Lateralus part II, is god awful. Stale pseudo-progressive songs with Maynard half assing his vocal duties doesn't make me happy. The first three releases are gold, though.
I really liked Aenima. Haven't really checked out much of their other stuff. The drummer and bassist are pretty talented. A few years ago I posted an article on the Opeth board about the mathematical significance behind Lateralus and a good half of the members shit their pants and it was argued for quite a while (because that's what people do on the Opeth board).
i hate that about tool... the mathematical significance and the way they have all these intellectual tracks like useful idiot and ions and shit. why cant they just play music without having fucking annoying as shit fillers and trying to confuse the fuck out of the majority of people with their mathematical significance. aenima is the only decent album. 10,000 days is absurdly disappointing.
they remind me of a heavy pink floyd for some reason......but thats just me. decent band though

Same here, but I really don't know why. Pink floyd is not really like tool in any way I can see, but for some realson they seem similar to me.

I really love 10000 days. I think it is one of the best albums ever to hit the mainstream. aenima was cool, I do admit, and it has attitude, but it is convoluted and doesn't flow well enough. It meanders too much. Lateralus was very complex and stuff, but it was a little weak. It wasn't seeming as human as aenima, it lacked emotion. 10000 days fixes all of these problems and keeps the best of both albums. So, neahyuh to all of you haters
Easily my favourite band ever. I'm pretty damn obsessed. I've written reviews and interpretations of a lot of their stuff, I do photoshop art of them.....

Plus they own ass live and on record.

Dear duncang,

I've figured out why I am so attracted to Tool. It is because Rock music's fundamental emotion is what is known as charis, sometimes known as "divine sexual Mother-Love" - it is the love that powered the ancient ecstatic Mother Goddess cults and the sacred prostitutes of Babylon. In Rock music, we see this epitomised by two tendencies:

The first tendency is toward adopting the female (preconscious) subjective point of view, with the male (conscious) view as the predicate. (By this I mean, e.g. subject = "apple" or "sky" whilst predicate = "redness" or "cloudy".) In this view, the emphasis is on orgiastic lust and hedonistic antirationalism. The purest song in this regard I know of is "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith; "Livin' it up while I'm goin' down" = worshipping the Goddess of lust and ecstatic orgiastic release while the mind lowers itself to become more possessed by the bestial Ego (the "image of the body" that our minds contain as a function of the preconsciousness, in contrast to our Reasoning ability focussed in our consciousness).

The second tendency is toward adopting the male (conscious) subjective view, with the female (preconscious) view as the predicate. When this happens, the result is not charis in the sense of the incestuous, hedonic orgiastic release implicit in the rock-drugs-sex counterculture epitomised by that Aerosmith song, but, rather, an expression of the proper direction of charis, which is comradely love. That is, the love between Fighters who will do anything whatsoever, whether it be split ammo, use his last drop of canteen water, eat shit, hack off his own arm, or walk into machinegun fire, if such things serve an intelligible cognitive purpose that will help his comrade, for the sake of the higher goal.

Tool is this male, conscious-focussed point of view, in hell and fighting against that hell! It is the mind which has donned the mask of the preconscious' bestial Ego, which in turn has donned the mask of a man. It is the werewolf trapped in a world of feminine insanity which makes no sense and frustrates his comradely love by trying to pervert him into becoming an impotent little rat living in fear, and hate, and greed, and pettiness in his cage, who instead rages against his fear, and pisses on his consumerism, and gnaws at his own flesh for the sake of coming to understand what it means to be a Fighter and not a faggot waiting to be burnt alive in the fires of Politically Correct spectacular[1] capitalism.

In those terms, then, my favourite Tool song is "4 degrees" - a sympathetic and accurate description of the pain and desire of a properly sado-masochistic worshipper-God relationship between the bestial Ego and the cognitive mind. It's not my favourite "sexy" song of rage or whatever, but it's the most meaningful to me in that sense, to date. The other ones I gravitate towards are "Intolerance," "Sober," and "Prison Sex." Inferno! And the Will to fight against it!

Narziss, rc

Society of the Spectacle
Dear duncang,

I've figured out why I am so attracted to Tool. It is because Rock music's fundamental emotion is what is known as charis, sometimes known as "divine sexual Mother-Love" - it is the love that powered the ancient ecstatic Mother Goddess cults and the sacred prostitutes of Babylon. In Rock music, we see this epitomised by two tendencies:

The first tendency is toward adopting the female (preconscious) subjective point of view, with the male (conscious) view as the predicate. (By this I mean, e.g. subject = "apple" or "sky" whilst predicate = "redness" or "cloudy".) In this view, the emphasis is on orgiastic lust and hedonistic antirationalism. The purest song in this regard I know of is "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith; "Livin' it up while I'm goin' down" = worshipping the Goddess of lust and ecstatic orgiastic release while the mind lowers itself to become more possessed by the bestial Ego (the "image of the body" that our minds contain as a function of the preconsciousness, in contrast to our Reasoning ability focussed in our consciousness).

The second tendency is toward adopting the male (conscious) subjective view, with the female (preconscious) view as the predicate. When this happens, the result is not charis in the sense of the incestuous, hedonic orgiastic release implicit in the rock-drugs-sex counterculture epitomised by that Aerosmith song, but, rather, an expression of the proper direction of charis, which is comradely love. That is, the love between Fighters who will do anything whatsoever, whether it be split ammo, use his last drop of canteen water, eat shit, hack off his own arm, or walk into machinegun fire, if such things serve an intelligible cognitive purpose that will help his comrade, for the sake of the higher goal.

Tool is this male, conscious-focussed point of view, in hell and fighting against that hell! It is the mind which has donned the mask of the preconscious' bestial Ego, which in turn has donned the mask of a man. It is the werewolf trapped in a world of feminine insanity which makes no sense and frustrates his comradely love by trying to pervert him into becoming an impotent little rat living in fear, and hate, and greed, and pettiness in his cage, who instead rages against his fear, and pisses on his consumerism, and gnaws at his own flesh for the sake of coming to understand what it means to be a Fighter and not a faggot waiting to be burnt alive in the fires of Politically Correct spectacular[1] capitalism.

In those terms, then, my favourite Tool song is "4 degrees" - a sympathetic and accurate description of the pain and desire of a properly sado-masochistic worshipper-God relationship between the bestial Ego and the cognitive mind. It's not my favourite "sexy" song of rage or whatever, but it's the most meaningful to me in that sense, to date. The other ones I gravitate towards are "Intolerance," "Sober," and "Prison Sex." Inferno! And the Will to fight against it!

Narziss, rc

Society of the Spectacle

I did think this was never going to end. :Smug:

I like Tool, good band. I think it *is* possible to read far too much into the message/ethos, but it's an interesting one nonetheless. I like Aenima and Lateralus a great deal, but I'm not so fond of 10,000 days. Listening to it (bar a few select songs) does not give me the kick the other releases did.

Discussions on Tool nearly all end up misguided and pedantic, I'm quite glad this one hasn't.
I believe "Lateralus" is one of the best slabs of Prog/Rock/Metal in the 21st century. Their music IMO, makes you use your mind, how can that be a bad thing? I've been listening to "Lateralus" for 5 yrs now, and I don't know if I'll ever reach it's depths or get to it's heights. Fantastic work.
10 000 days....le sigh, that album made me bored. Very very bored. Half the songs seemed to get lost in each other because, due to the boredom I did suffer from trying, and I *was* trying, to listen all the way through that album, they sounded the same.