Sep 30, 2007
Hello guys, long time lurker, first time poster. Sorry if this is a tired question, but
can you import your own samples into DFH? I just have regular dfh, not superior. The samples are ok on it. Id like to use some of the samples I've aquired from you guys posting and from my Alesis D4. I usually just drumagog them but would like to just use different samples in DFH. is it possible or do you have to get DFH Superior to do that? I tried to copy and paste my samples in to the sample folders in DFH but they aren't recognized. Maybe there is a program out there to be able to change the wav. to the dfh wav huh ? thanks guys for your replies.
Wasn't the original DFH just a sample library with no integrated sampler/player plugin? If so, then you can just replace the DFH samples with your own in the sampler you're using. Might be way off here, but I used the first DFH way back, and IIRC it was just a library of samples and sampler maps.
Hmmmm. maybe I explained wrong. Im using ezdrummer and dfh addons with cubase sx3. The sounds it came with are useable but not great. When I look in the sounds folder there are tons of samples listed for each drum but when I go to ezdrummer and only has 4 or 5 bass drums and such yet there are tons listed in the bass drum folder. Im guessing it is multiple sounds for the velocity settings. Maybe Im wrong. I dislike the sounds though and end up mixing them down seperately to audition and then drumagog them to better samples. Im guessing there isnt a way to put better samples into ezdrummer though. I copied and pasted some samples into the appropriate ezdrummer sound folders and they arent recognized. Any thoughts?
I have drumkit from hell superior, but where can I find the sampler maps to use those sounds with battery ?

I like the sampler that comes with the program, but it's kinda silly you can only use the DFHS superior samples with it.
+ some things you can't use at once, I want to different kicks in one song for instance, different snares, etc...

with battery this would be possible, but is there an easy way to make this work ?
Hmmmm. maybe I explained wrong. Im using ezdrummer and dfh addons with cubase sx3. The sounds it came with are useable but not great. When I look in the sounds folder there are tons of samples listed for each drum but when I go to ezdrummer and only has 4 or 5 bass drums and such yet there are tons listed in the bass drum folder. Im guessing it is multiple sounds for the velocity settings. Maybe Im wrong. I dislike the sounds though and end up mixing them down seperately to audition and then drumagog them to better samples. Im guessing there isnt a way to put better samples into ezdrummer though. I copied and pasted some samples into the appropriate ezdrummer sound folders and they arent recognized. Any thoughts?

Ah, thought you were talking about the old DFH, not the expansion. I use EZD DFH too, and I just route the midi track to both, the EZD sampler and Battery. In Battery I load my own samples to support or replace EZD's kick/snare/toms.