Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0 Video

It's confusing - how is this an upgrade from DFHS? It doesn't appear that they've included the old libraries from DFHS in the new cleaned up interface. Sure would be nice... these rock sounds are cool and all but...
They said they would have expansions right? They're not giving away anything they don't have to. They'd probably make you buy the room mics separately if they could get away with it.
Ruling - just finished watching the whole video and learned that the DFHS and EZD stuff is fully compatible with it. Killer! For a DFHS owner like me, the $129 upgrade is a no brainer. I can't wait for this to come out!
Looks phenomenal. I'm guessing you can still bounce off each track individually as before? Jocke can you help with this?

This seriously looks so fucking cool I can't wait for it. I think it would be nice if they implemented more for different drum tunings. I always found DFHS1 to be tuned higher than I would like on the snares for example. I know there was the pitch shifting thing, but.....not really the same for me. $129 upgrage?:kickass::kickass::kickass: