Top 5 darkest movies

Originally posted by Crack Hitler

And I've been on this board for a month or two :grin: so i guess you weren't the first one :tickled:

he might not the first one..but definetly first one I've seen here like I said before.
Shit! So even I wasn't the first one :( :lol:

Okay, so now I know.. I must be one of the few finns (if even the only) to go to Greece to see Anathema. :rolleyes:

Ok, this year :grin:

And not to go totally off-topic: one other great Japanese horrorfilm is Ring 1 , but somebody must've heard about that one? Freaked me out in theater...
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
They actually could drop all the antiracist and antidrugs classes and campaigns in schools and just show the kids American History X and Requiem for a dream. Much more effective, me would think..

Fuckin' good idea! Some shock-effect.. :hypno:
oh yeah that famous movie, the midnight sorry if i upset you, bambi, but i graduated from an american school and about 3-4 years ago when i was seeing the movie for the first year, it had sounded funny. no offense.
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope

What??? :eek: Are you serious??? I saw it a month ago and it was one of the dumbest horrormovies I've ever seen.

:) i saw all off them and yes i think they are good.
okay maybe there are better ones in your opinion but it think these are okay too.

thank god that we dont all have the same opinion:grin: :grin: :p