Don Corleone
Originally posted by ashure
and here comes the reason for me to kill!!!:Shedevil:

Originally posted by ashure
and here comes the reason for me to kill!!!:Shedevil:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
humanity with the XX chromosomes continue to humor me!!!!!!!![]()
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Well, I've seen 'Signs' twice now, and that movie will give any one the heebie-jeebies. Excellent characters. Joaquin Phoenix is great in the movie. I loved the whole spiritual, mean-to-be, coinicidences angle. M. Night Shyamalan is awesome.
Originally posted by ashure
ben senin sölediin þeyi sölüyorum eðitim derken o senin cümlende geçiyodu.
bi erkeði beðenmek "hastasýyým flkghþofýghsoýreg" demektir zaten.yoksa öle anneannem gibi oturup "þu çocuðu(bahsi geçen Johnny Depp) da pek beðeniyorum, pek efendi maþallah paþa evladým" filan diyceksem batsýn bu dünya bitsin bu çile diyorum![]()
Originally posted by ashure
believe it or not when I was a kid-like 6 or 7- I watched this movie's black&white version-very old one - . and I think I cried![]()
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Well, I've seen 'Signs' twice now, and that movie will give any one the heebie-jeebies. Excellent characters. Joaquin Phoenix is great in the movie. I loved the whole spiritual, mean-to-be, coinicidences angle. M. Night Shyamalan is awesome.